diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Console/Link.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Console/Link.php
index 9c89b3f..dfe71c4 100644
--- a/app/Http/Controllers/Console/Link.php
+++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Console/Link.php
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ public function apiConsoleAdd(Request $request): JsonResponse
} else {
if (empty($request->userEmail)) $request->userEmail = null;
if (empty($request->checkRssJudge)) $request->checkRssJudge = 0;
+ if (empty($request->userRemark)) $request->userRemark = null;
if (empty($request->userRss)) $request->userRss = null;
// 更新数据库
@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ public function apiConsoleEdit(Request $request): JsonResponse
} else {
if (empty($request->userEmail)) $request->userEmail = null;
if (empty($request->checkRssJudge)) $request->checkRssJudge = 0;
+ if (empty($request->userRemark)) $request->userRemark = null;
if (empty($request->userRss)) $request->userRss = null;
// 更新数据库
@@ -252,6 +254,9 @@ public function apiConsoleCheck(Request $request): JsonResponse
} else {
+ if (empty($request->checkRssJudge)) $request->checkRssJudge = 0;
+ if (empty($request->userRemark)) $request->userRemark = null;
+ if (empty($request->userRss)) $request->userRss = null;
// 更新数据库
->where([['id', '=', $request->userId]])
diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Console/Sponsor.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Console/Sponsor.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1d1ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Console/Sponsor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+data = $data->data;
+ }
+ public function apiEdit(Request $request, $sponsorId): JsonResponse
+ {
+ $getData = $request->all();
+ $getData['id'] = $sponsorId;
+ if (Auth::check()) {
+ if (Auth::user()->admin) {
+ $dataCheck = Validator::make($getData, [
+ 'id' => 'required|int',
+ 'name' => 'required|string',
+ 'type' => 'required|int',
+ 'money' => 'required|numeric',
+ 'url' => 'regex:#[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+\.?#',
+ 'date' => 'required|string',
+ ]);
+ // 检查是否符合规则
+ if ($dataCheck->fails()) {
+ $errorType = array_keys($dataCheck->failed());
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($dataCheck->failed() as $valueData) {
+ $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]] = array_keys($valueData);
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $errorSingle = [
+ 'info' => $errorType[$i],
+ 'need' => $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]],
+ ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'DataFormatError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入内容有错误',
+ 'errorSingle' => $errorSingle,
+ 'error' => $errorInfo,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // 查询数据
+ $resultSponsor = (array)DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $getData['id']]])
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray()[0];
+ // 检查数据
+ if ($resultSponsor['id'] !== null) {
+ // 修改数据
+ DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $resultSponsor['id']]])
+ ->update([
+ 'name' => $request->name,
+ 'type' => $request->type,
+ 'money' => $request->money,
+ 'url' => $request->url,
+ 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($request->date)),
+ ]);
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '操作成功',
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoData',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '数据不存在',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoPermission',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '没有权限',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'PleaseLogin',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '请登录',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ public function apiDelete($sponsorId): JsonResponse
+ {
+ $arrayData['sponsorId'] = $sponsorId;
+ if (Auth::check()) {
+ if (Auth::user()->admin) {
+ $checkData = Validator::make($arrayData, [
+ 'sponsorId' => 'required|int'
+ ]);// 检查是否符合规则
+ if ($checkData->fails()) {
+ $errorType = array_keys($checkData->failed());
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($checkData->failed() as $valueData) {
+ $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]] = array_keys($valueData);
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $errorSingle = [
+ 'info' => $errorType[$i],
+ 'need' => $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]],
+ ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'DataFormatError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入内容有错误',
+ 'errorSingle' => $errorSingle,
+ 'error' => $errorInfo,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // 查询数据
+ $resultSponsor = (array)DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $sponsorId]])
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray()[0];
+ // 检查数据
+ if ($resultSponsor['id'] !== null) {
+ // 修改数据
+ DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $resultSponsor['id']]])
+ ->delete();
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '删除成功',
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoData',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '数据不存在',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoPermission',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '没有权限',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'PleaseLogin',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '请登录',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ public function apiAdd(Request $request): JsonResponse
+ {
+ if (Auth::check()) {
+ if (Auth::user()->admin) {
+ // 处理数据
+ $dataCheck = Validator::make($request->all(), [
+ 'name' => 'required|string',
+ 'type' => 'required|int',
+ 'money' => 'required|numeric',
+ 'date' => 'required|string',
+ 'url' => 'regex:#[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+\.?#',
+ ]);
+ if ($dataCheck->fails()) {
+ $errorType = array_keys($dataCheck->failed());
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($dataCheck->failed() as $valueData) {
+ $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]] = array_keys($valueData);
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $errorSingle = [
+ 'info' => $errorType[$i],
+ 'need' => $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]],
+ ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'DataFormatError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入内容有错误',
+ 'errorSingle' => $errorSingle,
+ 'error' => $errorInfo,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ if (empty($request->url)) $request->url = null;
+ // 操作数据库
+ DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->insert([
+ 'name' => $request->name,
+ 'url' => $request->url,
+ 'type' => $request->type,
+ 'money' => $request->money,
+ 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($request->date)),
+ ]);
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '操作成功',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoPermission',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '没有权限',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'PleaseLogin',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '请登录',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ public function apiTypeAdd(Request $request): JsonResponse
+ {
+ if (Auth::check()) {
+ if (Auth::user()->admin) {
+ $dataCheck = Validator::make($request->all(), [
+ 'name' => 'required|string',
+ 'url' => 'required|regex:#[a-zA-z]+://[^\s]*#',
+ 'include' => 'int',
+ 'link' => 'int',
+ ]);
+ if ($dataCheck->fails()) {
+ $errorType = array_keys($dataCheck->failed());
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($dataCheck->failed() as $valueData) {
+ $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]] = array_keys($valueData);
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $errorSingle = [
+ 'info' => $errorType[$i],
+ 'need' => $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]],
+ ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'DataFormatError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入内容有错误',
+ 'errorSingle' => $errorSingle,
+ 'error' => $errorInfo,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // 处理数据
+ if (empty($request->include)) $request->include = 0;
+ if (empty($request->link)) $request->link = 0;
+ DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->insert([
+ 'name' => $request->name,
+ 'url' => $request->url,
+ 'include' => $request->include,
+ 'link' => $request->link,
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ ]);
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '创建成功',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoPermission',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '没有权限',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'PleaseLogin',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '请登录',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ public function apiTypeEdit(Request $request, $typeId = null): JsonResponse
+ {
+ if ((empty($typeId) && !empty($request->edit_id)) || (!empty($typeId) && empty($request->edit_id))) {
+ $getData = $request->all();
+ if (!empty($typeId) && empty($request->edit_id)) $getData['edit_id'] = $typeId;
+ if (Auth::check()) {
+ if (Auth::user()->admin) {
+ // 检查数据
+ $dataCheck = Validator::make($getData, [
+ 'edit_id' => 'required|int',
+ 'edit_name' => 'required|string',
+ 'edit_url' => 'required|regex:#[a-zA-z]+://[^\s]*#',
+ 'edit_include' => 'int',
+ 'edit_link' => 'int',
+ ]);
+ if ($dataCheck->fails()) {
+ $errorType = array_keys($dataCheck->failed());
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($dataCheck->failed() as $valueData) {
+ $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]] = array_keys($valueData);
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $errorSingle = [
+ 'info' => $errorType[$i],
+ 'need' => $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]],
+ ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'DataFormatError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入内容有错误',
+ 'errorSingle' => $errorSingle,
+ 'error' => $errorInfo,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // 操作数据库
+ $resultSponsorType = (array)DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $getData['edit_id']]])
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray()[0];
+ if (!empty($resultSponsorType['id'])) {
+ if (empty($getData['edit_include'])) $getData['edit_include'] = 0;
+ if (empty($getData['edit_link'])) $getData['edit_link'] = 0;
+ // 操作数据库
+ DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $resultSponsorType['id']]])
+ ->update([
+ 'name' => $getData['edit_name'],
+ 'url' => $getData['edit_url'],
+ 'include' => $getData['edit_include'],
+ 'link' => $getData['edit_link'],
+ 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ ]);
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '修改成功',
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoData',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '不存在数据',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoPermission',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '没有权限',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'PleaseLogin',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '请登录',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'InputError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '不允许Url参数与表单参数同时输入',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ public function apiTypeDelete($typeId): JsonResponse
+ {
+ if (Auth::check()) {
+ if (Auth::user()->admin) {
+ // 检查ID
+ $arrayData['typeId'] = $typeId;
+ $dataCheck = Validator::make($arrayData, [
+ 'typeId' => 'required|int',
+ ]);
+ if ($dataCheck->fails()) {
+ $errorType = array_keys($dataCheck->failed());
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($dataCheck->failed() as $valueData) {
+ $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]] = array_keys($valueData);
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $errorSingle = [
+ 'info' => $errorType[$i],
+ 'need' => $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]],
+ ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'DataFormatError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入内容有错误',
+ 'errorSingle' => $errorSingle,
+ 'error' => $errorInfo,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // 操作数据库
+ $resultSponsorType = (array)DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $typeId]])
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray()[0];
+ if (!empty($resultSponsorType['id'])) {
+ // 删除数据
+ DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $resultSponsorType['id']]])
+ ->delete();
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '操作成功',
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoData',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '不存在数据',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoPermission',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '没有权限',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'PleaseLogin',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '请登录',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ public function apiTypeSelect($typeId): JsonResponse
+ {
+ if (Auth::check()) {
+ if (Auth::user()->admin) {
+ // 检查ID
+ $arrayData['typeId'] = $typeId;
+ $dataCheck = Validator::make($arrayData, [
+ 'typeId' => 'required|int',
+ ]);
+ if ($dataCheck->fails()) {
+ $errorType = array_keys($dataCheck->failed());
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach ($dataCheck->failed() as $valueData) {
+ $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]] = array_keys($valueData);
+ if ($i == 0) {
+ $errorSingle = [
+ 'info' => $errorType[$i],
+ 'need' => $errorInfo[$errorType[$i]],
+ ];
+ }
+ $i++;
+ }
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'DataFormatError',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入内容有错误',
+ 'errorSingle' => $errorSingle,
+ 'error' => $errorInfo,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ // 获取数据
+ $resultTypeSponsor = (array)DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $typeId]])
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray()[0];
+ if (!empty($resultTypeSponsor['id'])) {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '查询成功',
+ 'data' => $resultTypeSponsor,
+ ],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoData',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '不存在数据',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'NoPermission',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '没有权限',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'PleaseLogin',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '请登录',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ protected function viewSponsorDashboard(): Factory|View|Application
+ {
+ $this->getAfadianData();
+ // 获取模块
+ $resultSponsorType = DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ $this->data['sponsorCountYear'] = 0;
+ $this->data['sponsorCount'] = 0;
+ $this->data['sponsorCountNumber'] = count($this->data['sponsor']);
+ foreach ($this->data['sponsor'] as $value) {
+ $this->data['sponsorCount'] += $value['money'];
+ if ($value['time'] >= date('Y') . '-01-01 00:00:00') {
+ $this->data['sponsorCountYear'] += $value['money'];
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($resultSponsorType as $value) {
+ $this->data['sponsorType'][$value->id] = [
+ 'id' => $value->id,
+ 'name' => $value->name,
+ 'url' => $value->url,
+ 'include' => $value->include,
+ 'link' => $value->link,
+ ];
+ }
+ return view('console.sponsor.dashboard', $this->data);
+ }
+ private function getAfadianData(): void
+ {
+ $verify = ['verify' => true];
+ if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) $verify = ['verify' => false];
+ // 从数据库获取数据
+ $result = DB::table('info')
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ $sponsor = DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->orderBy('time', 'desc')
+ ->limit(50)
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ try {
+ for ($i = 0; $sponsor[$i] != null; $i++) {
+ $this->data['sponsor'][$i] = [
+ 'id' => $sponsor[$i]->id,
+ 'name' => $sponsor[$i]->name,
+ 'url' => $sponsor[$i]->url,
+ 'type' => $sponsor[$i]->type,
+ 'money' => $sponsor[$i]->money,
+ 'time' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sponsor[$i]->time)),
+ ];
+ }
+ } catch (ErrorException $e) {
+ }
+ $userID = $result[20]->data;
+ $token = $result[21]->data;
+ $time = time();
+ $params = [
+ 'page' => 1,
+ 'per_page' => 100,
+ ];
+ $sign = md5($token . 'params' . json_encode($params) . 'ts' . $time . 'user_id' . $userID);
+ $data = [
+ 'query' => [
+ 'user_id' => $userID,
+ 'params' => json_encode($params),
+ 'ts' => $time,
+ 'sign' => $sign,
+ ],
+ ];
+ $client = new Client($verify);
+ try {
+ $response = $client->get('https://afdian.net/api/open/query-sponsor', $data);
+ $getData = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
+ } catch (GuzzleException $e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // 处理数据
+ $j = 0;
+ foreach ($getData->data->list as $value) {
+ // 整合数据
+ $data_elem[$j] = [
+ 'id' => $value->last_pay_time,
+ 'name' => $value->user->name,
+ 'url' => null,
+ 'type' => 5,
+ 'money' => (double)$value->all_sum_amount,
+ 'time' => date('Y-m-d', $value->last_pay_time),
+ ];
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $this->data['sponsor'] = array_merge($this->data['sponsor'], $data_elem);
+ usort($this->data['sponsor'], function ($a, $b) {
+ return strtotime($b['time']) - strtotime($a['time']);
+ });
+ }
+ protected function viewEdit($sponsorId): Application|Factory|View|RedirectResponse
+ {
+ $getData['sponsorId'] = $sponsorId;
+ $checkData = Validator::make($getData, [
+ 'sponsorId' => 'required|int'
+ ]);
+ if ($checkData->fails()) {
+ return Response::redirectTo(route('console.sponsor.dashboard'));
+ } else {
+ $resultSponsor = DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $sponsorId]])
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ $resultSponsor = (array)$resultSponsor[0];
+ if (!empty($resultSponsor['id'])) {
+ $this->data['sponsor'] = $resultSponsor;
+ $this->data['sponsor']['time'] = date('m/d/Y', strtotime($resultSponsor['time']));
+ $resultSponsorType = DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ foreach ($resultSponsorType as $value) {
+ $this->data['sponsorType'][$value->id] = [
+ 'id' => $value->id,
+ 'name' => $value->name,
+ 'url' => $value->url,
+ 'include' => $value->include,
+ 'link' => $value->link,
+ ];
+ }
+ return view('console.sponsor.edit', $this->data);
+ } else {
+ return Response::redirectTo(route('console.sponsor.dashboard'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected function viewMode(): Factory|View|Application
+ {
+ $this->data['sponsorTypeCount'] = DB::table('sponsor_type')->count('id');
+ $this->data['sponsorType'] = DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ return view('console.sponsor.mode', $this->data);
+ }
diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/DataBase.php b/app/Http/Controllers/DataBase.php
index bfce5eb..ec67571 100644
--- a/app/Http/Controllers/DataBase.php
+++ b/app/Http/Controllers/DataBase.php
@@ -15,16 +15,20 @@ class DataBase extends Controller
public function __construct()
DB::statement("TRUNCATE TABLE `xf_index`.`blog_link`");
- $result = DB::table('xf_blog_friends')
+ $resultBlog = DB::table('xf_blog_friends')
- foreach ($result as $value) {
+ foreach ($resultBlog as $value) {
$value->blog_rss_judge ? $value->blog_rss_judge = 1 : $value->blog_rss_judge = 0;
if ($value->blog_sel_color == 8) $value->blog_sel_color = 6;
if ($value->blog_sel_color == 2) $value->blog_sel_color = 8;
if ($value->blog_sel_color == 7) $value->blog_sel_color = 4;
if ($value->blog_sel_color == 5) $value->blog_sel_color = 3;
+ if (empty($value->blog_owner_email)) $value->blog_owner_email = null;
+ if (empty($value->blog_rss)) $value->blog_rss = null;
+ if (empty($value->blog_serverhost)) $value->blog_serverhost = null;
'blogName' => $value->blog_name,
@@ -37,8 +41,69 @@ public function __construct()
'blogServerHost' => $value->blog_serverhost,
'blogLocation' => $value->blog_location,
'blogSetColor' => $value->blog_sel_color,
- 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ DB::statement("TRUNCATE TABLE `xf_index`.`sponsor`");
+ $resultSponsor = DB::table('xf_sponsor')
+ ->orderBy('id')
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ foreach ($resultSponsor as $value) {
+ if ($value->mode == 'AliPay') $value->mode = 1;
+ if ($value->mode == 'WeChat') $value->mode = 2;
+ if ($value->mode == 'QQ') $value->mode = 3;
+ if ($value->mode == 'PayPal') $value->mode = 4;
+ if (empty($value->url)) $value->url = null;
+ DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->insert([
+ 'name' => $value->name,
+ 'url' => $value->url,
+ 'type' => $value->mode,
+ 'money' => $value->count,
+ 'time' => $value->time,
+ ]);
+ }
+ DB::statement("TRUNCATE TABLE `xf_index`.`sponsor_type`");
+ DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->insert([
+ [
+ 'name' => '支付宝',
+ 'url' => 'https://i-cdn.akass.cn/2023/07/64ba859272bc9.jpg',
+ 'include' => 1,
+ 'link' => 0,
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
+ [
+ 'name' => '微信',
+ 'url' => 'https://i-cdn.akass.cn/2023/07/64ba67c9d08ab.jpg',
+ 'include' => 1,
+ 'link' => 0,
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
+ [
+ 'name' => '扣扣',
+ 'url' => 'https://i-cdn.akass.cn/2023/07/64ba8817b179b.png',
+ 'include' => 1,
+ 'link' => 0,
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
+ [
+ 'name' => 'PayPal',
+ 'url' => 'https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/xiaolfeng',
+ 'include' => 1,
+ 'link' => 1,
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
+ [
+ 'name' => '爱发电',
+ 'url' => 'https://afdian.net/a/xiao_lfeng',
+ 'include' => 1,
+ 'link' => 1,
+ 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+ 'updated_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')],
+ ]);
diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Function/Link.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Function/Link.php
index ec89271..89c2022 100644
--- a/app/Http/Controllers/Function/Link.php
+++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Function/Link.php
@@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ public function apiCustomAdd(HttpRequest $request): JsonResponse
} else {
// 检查数据
- if (empty($request->checkRssJudge)) {
- $request->checkRssJudge = 0;
- }
+ if (empty($request->checkRssJudge)) $request->checkRssJudge = 0;
+ if (empty($request->userRemark)) $request->userRemark = null;
+ if (empty($request->userRss)) $request->userRss = null;
// 根据数据库检查邮箱用户是否已存在
$resultBlog = DB::table('blog_link')
@@ -616,9 +616,10 @@ public function apiCustomEdit(HttpRequest $request, string $friendId): JsonRespo
} else {
// 检查数据
- if (empty($request->checkRssJudge)) {
- $request->checkRssJudge = 0;
- }
+ if (empty($request->checkRssJudge)) $request->checkRssJudge = 0;
+ if (empty($request->userRemark)) $request->userRemark = null;
+ if (empty($request->userRss)) $request->userRss = null;
// 数据载入数组
$this->data['oldBlog'] = (object)[
'blogOwnEmail' => $resultBlog->blogOwnEmail,
diff --git a/app/Http/Controllers/Function/Sponsor.php b/app/Http/Controllers/Function/Sponsor.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b83d230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/Http/Controllers/Function/Sponsor.php
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+data = $data->data;
+ }
+ protected function viewSponsor(): Application|Factory|View
+ {
+ // 获取赞助信息
+ $this->getAfadianData();
+ $this->data['sponsorCountNumber'] = count($this->data['sponsor']);
+ $resultSponsorType = DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ foreach ($resultSponsorType as $value) {
+ $this->data['sponsorType'][$value->id] = [
+ 'id' => $value->id,
+ 'name' => $value->name,
+ 'url' => $value->url,
+ 'include' => $value->include,
+ 'link' => $value->link,
+ ];
+ }
+ $this->data['sponsorInfo'] = (new Index())->MarkdownToStringReplace(DB::table('info')->find(20)->data);
+ $this->data['sponsorCountYear'] = 0;
+ $this->data['sponsorCount'] = 0;
+ foreach ($this->data['sponsorType'] as $value) {
+ $this->data['sponsorURL'] = $value['url'];
+ break;
+ };
+ foreach ($this->data['sponsor'] as $value) {
+ $this->data['sponsorCount'] += $value['money'];
+ if ($value['time'] >= date('Y') . '-01-01 00:00:00') {
+ $this->data['sponsorCountYear'] += $value['money'];
+ }
+ }
+ return view('function.sponsor', $this->data);
+ }
+ public function apiSponsorType(Request $request): JsonResponse
+ {
+ $checkData = Validator::make($request->all(), [
+ 'id' => 'required|int',
+ ]);
+ if (!$checkData->fails()) {
+ $resultSponsorType = DB::table('sponsor_type')
+ ->where([['id', '=', $request->id]])
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'Success',
+ 'code' => 200,
+ 'data' => $resultSponsorType[0],
+ ];
+ } else {
+ $returnData = [
+ 'output' => 'CheckFail',
+ 'code' => 403,
+ 'data' => [
+ 'message' => '输入参数有误',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ return Response::json($returnData, $returnData['code']);
+ }
+ private function getAfadianData(): void
+ {
+ $verify = ['verify' => true];
+ if ($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) $verify = ['verify' => false];
+ // 从数据库获取数据
+ $result = DB::table('info')
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ $sponsor = DB::table('sponsor')
+ ->orderBy('time', 'desc')
+ ->limit(50)
+ ->get()
+ ->toArray();
+ try {
+ for ($i = 0; $sponsor[$i] != null; $i++) {
+ $this->data['sponsor'][$i] = [
+ 'id' => $sponsor[$i]->id,
+ 'name' => $sponsor[$i]->name,
+ 'url' => $sponsor[$i]->url,
+ 'type' => $sponsor[$i]->type,
+ 'money' => $sponsor[$i]->money,
+ 'time' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sponsor[$i]->time)),
+ ];
+ }
+ } catch (ErrorException $e) {
+ }
+ $userID = $result[20]->data;
+ $token = $result[21]->data;
+ $time = time();
+ $params = [
+ 'page' => 1,
+ 'per_page' => 50,
+ ];
+ $sign = md5($token . 'params' . json_encode($params) . 'ts' . $time . 'user_id' . $userID);
+ $data = [
+ 'query' => [
+ 'user_id' => $userID,
+ 'params' => json_encode($params),
+ 'ts' => $time,
+ 'sign' => $sign,
+ ],
+ ];
+ $client = new Client($verify);
+ try {
+ $response = $client->get('https://afdian.net/api/open/query-sponsor', $data);
+ $getData = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents());
+ } catch (GuzzleException $e) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // 处理数据
+ $j = 0;
+ foreach ($getData->data->list as $value) {
+ // 整合数据
+ $data_elem[$j] = [
+ 'id' => $value->last_pay_time,
+ 'name' => $value->user->name,
+ 'url' => null,
+ 'type' => 5,
+ 'money' => (double)$value->all_sum_amount,
+ 'time' => date('Y-m-d', $value->last_pay_time),
+ ];
+ $j++;
+ }
+ $this->data['sponsor'] = array_merge($this->data['sponsor'], $data_elem);
+ usort($this->data['sponsor'], function ($a, $b) {
+ return strtotime($b['time']) - strtotime($a['time']);
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/config/app.php b/config/app.php
index 0399c17..29f3a8d 100644
--- a/config/app.php
+++ b/config/app.php
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
- 'timezone' => 'UTC',
+ 'timezone' => 'Asia/Shanghai',
diff --git a/database/migrations/2023_06_13_060913_update_info_table.php b/database/migrations/2023_06_13_060913_update_info_table.php
index 155faf3..94c755e 100644
--- a/database/migrations/2023_06_13_060913_update_info_table.php
+++ b/database/migrations/2023_06_13_060913_update_info_table.php
@@ -38,6 +38,11 @@ public function up()
DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'applicationRule', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'applicationInfo', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'email', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+ DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'sponsorPayCodeType', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+ DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'sponsorPayAll', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+ DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'sponsorInfo', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+ DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'afadianUserId', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+ DB::table('info')->insert(['value' => 'afadianToken', 'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
diff --git a/database/migrations/2023_07_21_062701_create_sponsor_table.php b/database/migrations/2023_07_21_062701_create_sponsor_table.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..901a3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/migrations/2023_07_21_062701_create_sponsor_table.php
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ $table->string('name')->comment('赞助者名称');
+ $table->string('url')->nullable()->comment('地址');
+ $table->integer('type')->comment('赞助方式');
+ $table->double('money')->comment('赞助金额');
+ $table->timestamp('time')->comment('时间戳');
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reverse the migrations.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function down()
+ {
+ Schema::dropIfExists('sponsor');
+ }
diff --git a/database/migrations/2023_07_21_063430_create_sponsor_type_table.php b/database/migrations/2023_07_21_063430_create_sponsor_type_table.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..445e23c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/database/migrations/2023_07_21_063430_create_sponsor_type_table.php
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ $table->string('name')->comment('赞助类型名称');
+ $table->text('url')->comment('图片或跳转地址');
+ $table->boolean('include')->default(true)->comment('是否计入总数');
+ $table->boolean('link')->default(false)->comment('是否是跳转链接');
+ $table->timestamps();
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reverse the migrations.
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ public function down()
+ {
+ Schema::dropIfExists('sponsor_type');
+ }
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index fd77cf0..a03d837 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.14",
"axios": "^0.21",
"flowbite": "^1.6.5",
+ "flowbite-datepicker": "^1.2.2",
"laravel-mix": "^6.0.6",
"lodash": "^4.17.19",
"postcss": "^8.4.24",
- "tailwindcss": "^3.3.2"
+ "tailwindcss": "^3.3.3"
"node_modules/@alloc/quick-lru": {
@@ -4605,6 +4606,15 @@
"mini-svg-data-uri": "^1.4.3"
+ "node_modules/flowbite-datepicker": {
+ "version": "1.2.2",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/flowbite-datepicker/-/flowbite-datepicker-1.2.2.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-qOKDVtwkiOa0RrhD3sRtT45H8efAtyLiswuFIAV0UBhWSRYonzL0g1gAZwHiRRKtSmbET/8RQpQXlSEmAgadkg==",
+ "dev": true,
+ "dependencies": {
+ "flowbite": "^1.4.5"
+ }
+ },
"node_modules/follow-redirects": {
"version": "1.15.2",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/follow-redirects/-/follow-redirects-1.15.2.tgz",
@@ -8305,9 +8315,9 @@
"node_modules/tailwindcss": {
- "version": "3.3.2",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/tailwindcss/-/tailwindcss-3.3.2.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-9jPkMiIBXvPc2KywkraqsUfbfj+dHDb+JPWtSJa9MLFdrPyazI7q6WX2sUrm7R9eVR7qqv3Pas7EvQFzxKnI6w==",
+ "version": "3.3.3",
+ "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/tailwindcss/-/tailwindcss-3.3.3.tgz",
+ "integrity": "sha512-A0KgSkef7eE4Mf+nKJ83i75TMyq8HqY3qmFIJSWy8bNt0v1lG7jUcpGpoTFxAwYcWOphcTBLPPJg+bDfhDf52w==",
"dependencies": {
"@alloc/quick-lru": "^5.2.0",
"arg": "^5.0.2",
@@ -8329,7 +8339,6 @@
"postcss-load-config": "^4.0.1",
"postcss-nested": "^6.0.1",
"postcss-selector-parser": "^6.0.11",
- "postcss-value-parser": "^4.2.0",
"resolve": "^1.22.2",
"sucrase": "^3.32.0"
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 62156da..e0ca350 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
"autoprefixer": "^10.4.14",
"axios": "^0.21",
"flowbite": "^1.6.5",
+ "flowbite-datepicker": "^1.2.2",
"laravel-mix": "^6.0.6",
"lodash": "^4.17.19",
"postcss": "^8.4.24",
- "tailwindcss": "^3.3.2"
+ "tailwindcss": "^3.3.3"
"dependencies": {
"@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.3"
diff --git a/resources/css/app.css b/resources/css/app.css
index c82616b..9a23ae6 100644
--- a/resources/css/app.css
+++ b/resources/css/app.css
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
@import url("https://npm.akass.cn/bootstrap-icons@1.10.0/font/bootstrap-icons.css");
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
diff --git a/resources/images/256.png b/resources/images/256.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de46f4
Binary files /dev/null and b/resources/images/256.png differ
diff --git a/resources/js/datepicker.js b/resources/js/datepicker.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55531eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/js/datepicker.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3210 @@
+ * Copyright © 2016 - 2023 筱锋xiao_lfeng. All Rights Reserved.
+ * 开发开源遵循 MIT 许可,若需商用请联系开发者
+ * https://www.x-lf.com/
+ */
+(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
+ if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
+ module.exports = factory();
+ else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+ define("Flowbite", [], factory);
+ else if (typeof exports === 'object')
+ exports["Flowbite"] = factory();
+ else
+ root["Flowbite"] = factory();
+})(self, function () {
+ return /******/ (function () { // webpackBootstrap
+ /******/
+ "use strict";
+ /******/
+ var __webpack_modules__ = ({
+ /***/ 482:
+ /***/ (function (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
+ /* harmony export */
+ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+ /* harmony export */ "Z": function () {
+ return /* binding */ DateRangePicker;
+ }
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ /* harmony import */
+ var _lib_event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(698);
+ /* harmony import */
+ var _lib_date_format_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(963);
+ /* harmony import */
+ var _Datepicker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(770);
+// filter out the config options inapproprite to pass to Datepicker
+ function filterOptions(options) {
+ const newOpts = Object.assign({}, options);
+ delete newOpts.inputs;
+ delete newOpts.allowOneSidedRange;
+ delete newOpts.maxNumberOfDates; // to ensure each datepicker handles a single date
+ return newOpts;
+ }
+ function setupDatepicker(rangepicker, changeDateListener, el, options) {
+ (0, _lib_event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .registerListeners */.cF)(rangepicker, [
+ [el, 'changeDate', changeDateListener],
+ ]);
+ new _Datepicker_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__/* ["default"] */ .Z(el, options, rangepicker);
+ }
+ function onChangeDate(rangepicker, ev) {
+ // to prevent both datepickers trigger the other side's update each other
+ if (rangepicker._updating) {
+ return;
+ }
+ rangepicker._updating = true;
+ const target = ev.target;
+ if (target.datepicker === undefined) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const datepickers = rangepicker.datepickers;
+ const setDateOptions = {render: false};
+ const changedSide = rangepicker.inputs.indexOf(target);
+ const otherSide = changedSide === 0 ? 1 : 0;
+ const changedDate = datepickers[changedSide].dates[0];
+ const otherDate = datepickers[otherSide].dates[0];
+ if (changedDate !== undefined && otherDate !== undefined) {
+ // if the start of the range > the end, swap them
+ if (changedSide === 0 && changedDate > otherDate) {
+ datepickers[0].setDate(otherDate, setDateOptions);
+ datepickers[1].setDate(changedDate, setDateOptions);
+ } else if (changedSide === 1 && changedDate < otherDate) {
+ datepickers[0].setDate(changedDate, setDateOptions);
+ datepickers[1].setDate(otherDate, setDateOptions);
+ }
+ } else if (!rangepicker.allowOneSidedRange) {
+ // to prevent the range from becoming one-sided, copy changed side's
+ // selection (no matter if it's empty) to the other side
+ if (changedDate !== undefined || otherDate !== undefined) {
+ setDateOptions.clear = true;
+ datepickers[otherSide].setDate(datepickers[changedSide].dates, setDateOptions);
+ }
+ }
+ datepickers[0].picker.update().render();
+ datepickers[1].picker.update().render();
+ delete rangepicker._updating;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Class representing a date range picker
+ */
+ class DateRangePicker {
+ /**
+ * Create a date range picker
+ * @param {Element} element - element to bind a date range picker
+ * @param {Object} [options] - config options
+ */
+ constructor(element, options = {}) {
+ const inputs = Array.isArray(options.inputs)
+ ? options.inputs
+ : Array.from(element.querySelectorAll('input'));
+ if (inputs.length < 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ element.rangepicker = this;
+ this.element = element;
+ this.inputs = inputs.slice(0, 2);
+ this.allowOneSidedRange = !!options.allowOneSidedRange;
+ const changeDateListener = onChangeDate.bind(null, this);
+ const cleanOptions = filterOptions(options);
+ // in order for initial date setup to work right when pcicLvel > 0,
+ // let Datepicker constructor add the instance to the rangepicker
+ const datepickers = [];
+ Object.defineProperty(this, 'datepickers', {
+ get() {
+ return datepickers;
+ },
+ });
+ setupDatepicker(this, changeDateListener, this.inputs[0], cleanOptions);
+ setupDatepicker(this, changeDateListener, this.inputs[1], cleanOptions);
+ Object.freeze(datepickers);
+ // normalize the range if inital dates are given
+ if (datepickers[0].dates.length > 0) {
+ onChangeDate(this, {target: this.inputs[0]});
+ } else if (datepickers[1].dates.length > 0) {
+ onChangeDate(this, {target: this.inputs[1]});
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @type {Array} - selected date of the linked date pickers
+ */
+ get dates() {
+ return this.datepickers.length === 2
+ ? [
+ this.datepickers[0].dates[0],
+ this.datepickers[1].dates[0],
+ ]
+ : undefined;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set new values to the config options
+ * @param {Object} options - config options to update
+ */
+ setOptions(options) {
+ this.allowOneSidedRange = !!options.allowOneSidedRange;
+ const cleanOptions = filterOptions(options);
+ this.datepickers[0].setOptions(cleanOptions);
+ this.datepickers[1].setOptions(cleanOptions);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy the DateRangePicker instance
+ * @return {DateRangePicker} - the instance destroyed
+ */
+ destroy() {
+ this.datepickers[0].destroy();
+ this.datepickers[1].destroy();
+ (0, _lib_event_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .unregisterListeners */.uV)(this);
+ delete this.element.rangepicker;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the start and end dates of the date range
+ *
+ * The method returns Date objects by default. If format string is passed,
+ * it returns date strings formatted in given format.
+ * The result array always contains 2 items (start date/end date) and
+ * undefined is used for unselected side. (e.g. If none is selected,
+ * the result will be [undefined, undefined]. If only the end date is set
+ * when allowOneSidedRange config option is true, [undefined, endDate] will
+ * be returned.)
+ *
+ * @param {String} [format] - Format string to stringify the dates
+ * @return {Array} - Start and end dates
+ */
+ getDates(format = undefined) {
+ const callback = format
+ ? date => (0, _lib_date_format_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__/* .formatDate */.p6)(date, format, this.datepickers[0].config.locale)
+ : date => new Date(date);
+ return this.dates.map(date => date === undefined ? date : callback(date));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the start and end dates of the date range
+ *
+ * The method calls datepicker.setDate() internally using each of the
+ * arguments in start→end order.
+ *
+ * When a clear: true option object is passed instead of a date, the method
+ * clears the date.
+ *
+ * If an invalid date, the same date as the current one or an option object
+ * without clear: true is passed, the method considers that argument as an
+ * "ineffective" argument because calling datepicker.setDate() with those
+ * values makes no changes to the date selection.
+ *
+ * When the allowOneSidedRange config option is false, passing {clear: true}
+ * to clear the range works only when it is done to the last effective
+ * argument (in other words, passed to rangeEnd or to rangeStart along with
+ * ineffective rangeEnd). This is because when the date range is changed,
+ * it gets normalized based on the last change at the end of the changing
+ * process.
+ *
+ * @param {Date|Number|String|Object} rangeStart - Start date of the range
+ * or {clear: true} to clear the date
+ * @param {Date|Number|String|Object} rangeEnd - End date of the range
+ * or {clear: true} to clear the date
+ */
+ setDates(rangeStart, rangeEnd) {
+ const [datepicker0, datepicker1] = this.datepickers;
+ const origDates = this.dates;
+ // If range normalization runs on every change, we can't set a new range
+ // that starts after the end of the current range correctly because the
+ // normalization process swaps start↔︎end right after setting the new start
+ // date. To prevent this, the normalization process needs to run once after
+ // both of the new dates are set.
+ this._updating = true;
+ datepicker0.setDate(rangeStart);
+ datepicker1.setDate(rangeEnd);
+ delete this._updating;
+ if (datepicker1.dates[0] !== origDates[1]) {
+ onChangeDate(this, {target: this.inputs[1]});
+ } else if (datepicker0.dates[0] !== origDates[0]) {
+ onChangeDate(this, {target: this.inputs[0]});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***/
+ }),
+ /***/ 770:
+ /***/ (function (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
+ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+ "Z": function () {
+ return /* binding */ Datepicker;
+ }
+ });
+// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/lib/utils.js
+ var utils = __webpack_require__(105);
+// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/lib/date.js
+ var lib_date = __webpack_require__(560);
+// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/lib/date-format.js
+ var date_format = __webpack_require__(963);
+// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/lib/event.js
+ var lib_event = __webpack_require__(698);
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/i18n/base-locales.js
+// default locales
+ const locales = {
+ en: {
+ days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
+ daysShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
+ daysMin: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
+ months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
+ monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
+ today: "Today",
+ clear: "Clear",
+ titleFormat: "MM y"
+ }
+ };
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/options/defaultOptions.js
+// config options updatable by setOptions() and their default values
+ const defaultOptions = {
+ autohide: false,
+ beforeShowDay: null,
+ beforeShowDecade: null,
+ beforeShowMonth: null,
+ beforeShowYear: null,
+ calendarWeeks: false,
+ clearBtn: false,
+ dateDelimiter: ',',
+ datesDisabled: [],
+ daysOfWeekDisabled: [],
+ daysOfWeekHighlighted: [],
+ defaultViewDate: undefined, // placeholder, defaults to today() by the program
+ disableTouchKeyboard: false,
+ format: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
+ language: 'en',
+ maxDate: null,
+ maxNumberOfDates: 1,
+ maxView: 3,
+ minDate: null,
+ nextArrow: '',
+ orientation: 'auto',
+ pickLevel: 0,
+ prevArrow: '',
+ showDaysOfWeek: true,
+ showOnClick: true,
+ showOnFocus: true,
+ startView: 0,
+ title: '',
+ todayBtn: false,
+ todayBtnMode: 0,
+ todayHighlight: false,
+ updateOnBlur: true,
+ weekStart: 0,
+ };
+ /* harmony default export */
+ var options_defaultOptions = (defaultOptions);
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/lib/dom.js
+ const range = document.createRange();
+ function parseHTML(html) {
+ return range.createContextualFragment(html);
+ }
+// equivalent to jQuery's :visble
+ function isVisible(el) {
+ return !!(el.offsetWidth || el.offsetHeight || el.getClientRects().length);
+ }
+ function hideElement(el) {
+ if (el.style.display === 'none') {
+ return;
+ }
+ // back up the existing display setting in data-style-display
+ if (el.style.display) {
+ el.dataset.styleDisplay = el.style.display;
+ }
+ el.style.display = 'none';
+ }
+ function showElement(el) {
+ if (el.style.display !== 'none') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (el.dataset.styleDisplay) {
+ // restore backed-up dispay property
+ el.style.display = el.dataset.styleDisplay;
+ delete el.dataset.styleDisplay;
+ } else {
+ el.style.display = '';
+ }
+ }
+ function emptyChildNodes(el) {
+ if (el.firstChild) {
+ el.removeChild(el.firstChild);
+ emptyChildNodes(el);
+ }
+ }
+ function replaceChildNodes(el, newChildNodes) {
+ emptyChildNodes(el);
+ if (newChildNodes instanceof DocumentFragment) {
+ el.appendChild(newChildNodes);
+ } else if (typeof newChildNodes === 'string') {
+ el.appendChild(parseHTML(newChildNodes));
+ } else if (typeof newChildNodes.forEach === 'function') {
+ newChildNodes.forEach((node) => {
+ el.appendChild(node);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/options/processOptions.js
+ const {
+ language: defaultLang,
+ format: defaultFormat,
+ weekStart: defaultWeekStart,
+ } = options_defaultOptions;
+// Reducer function to filter out invalid day-of-week from the input
+ function sanitizeDOW(dow, day) {
+ return dow.length < 6 && day >= 0 && day < 7
+ ? (0, utils/* pushUnique */.$C)(dow, day)
+ : dow;
+ }
+ function calcEndOfWeek(startOfWeek) {
+ return (startOfWeek + 6) % 7;
+ }
+// validate input date. if invalid, fallback to the original value
+ function validateDate(value, format, locale, origValue) {
+ const date = (0, date_format/* parseDate */.sG)(value, format, locale);
+ return date !== undefined ? date : origValue;
+ }
+// Validate viewId. if invalid, fallback to the original value
+ function validateViewId(value, origValue, max = 3) {
+ const viewId = parseInt(value, 10);
+ return viewId >= 0 && viewId <= max ? viewId : origValue;
+ }
+// Create Datepicker configuration to set
+ function processOptions(options, datepicker) {
+ const inOpts = Object.assign({}, options);
+ const config = {};
+ const locales = datepicker.constructor.locales;
+ let {
+ format,
+ language,
+ locale,
+ maxDate,
+ maxView,
+ minDate,
+ pickLevel,
+ startView,
+ weekStart,
+ } = datepicker.config || {};
+ if (inOpts.language) {
+ let lang;
+ if (inOpts.language !== language) {
+ if (locales[inOpts.language]) {
+ lang = inOpts.language;
+ } else {
+ // Check if langauge + region tag can fallback to the one without
+ // region (e.g. fr-CA → fr)
+ lang = inOpts.language.split('-')[0];
+ if (locales[lang] === undefined) {
+ lang = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ delete inOpts.language;
+ if (lang) {
+ language = config.language = lang;
+ // update locale as well when updating language
+ const origLocale = locale || locales[defaultLang];
+ // use default language's properties for the fallback
+ locale = Object.assign({
+ format: defaultFormat,
+ weekStart: defaultWeekStart
+ }, locales[defaultLang]);
+ if (language !== defaultLang) {
+ Object.assign(locale, locales[language]);
+ }
+ config.locale = locale;
+ // if format and/or weekStart are the same as old locale's defaults,
+ // update them to new locale's defaults
+ if (format === origLocale.format) {
+ format = config.format = locale.format;
+ }
+ if (weekStart === origLocale.weekStart) {
+ weekStart = config.weekStart = locale.weekStart;
+ config.weekEnd = calcEndOfWeek(locale.weekStart);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (inOpts.format) {
+ const hasToDisplay = typeof inOpts.format.toDisplay === 'function';
+ const hasToValue = typeof inOpts.format.toValue === 'function';
+ const validFormatString = date_format/* reFormatTokens.test */.CL.test(inOpts.format);
+ if ((hasToDisplay && hasToValue) || validFormatString) {
+ format = config.format = inOpts.format;
+ }
+ delete inOpts.format;
+ }
+ //*** dates ***//
+ // while min and maxDate for "no limit" in the options are better to be null
+ // (especially when updating), the ones in the config have to be undefined
+ // because null is treated as 0 (= unix epoch) when comparing with time value
+ let minDt = minDate;
+ let maxDt = maxDate;
+ if (inOpts.minDate !== undefined) {
+ minDt = inOpts.minDate === null
+ ? (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(0, 0, 1) // set 0000-01-01 to prevent negative values for year
+ : validateDate(inOpts.minDate, format, locale, minDt);
+ delete inOpts.minDate;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.maxDate !== undefined) {
+ maxDt = inOpts.maxDate === null
+ ? undefined
+ : validateDate(inOpts.maxDate, format, locale, maxDt);
+ delete inOpts.maxDate;
+ }
+ if (maxDt < minDt) {
+ minDate = config.minDate = maxDt;
+ maxDate = config.maxDate = minDt;
+ } else {
+ if (minDate !== minDt) {
+ minDate = config.minDate = minDt;
+ }
+ if (maxDate !== maxDt) {
+ maxDate = config.maxDate = maxDt;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inOpts.datesDisabled) {
+ config.datesDisabled = inOpts.datesDisabled.reduce((dates, dt) => {
+ const date = (0, date_format/* parseDate */.sG)(dt, format, locale);
+ return date !== undefined ? (0, utils/* pushUnique */.$C)(dates, date) : dates;
+ }, []);
+ delete inOpts.datesDisabled;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.defaultViewDate !== undefined) {
+ const viewDate = (0, date_format/* parseDate */.sG)(inOpts.defaultViewDate, format, locale);
+ if (viewDate !== undefined) {
+ config.defaultViewDate = viewDate;
+ }
+ delete inOpts.defaultViewDate;
+ }
+ //*** days of week ***//
+ if (inOpts.weekStart !== undefined) {
+ const wkStart = Number(inOpts.weekStart) % 7;
+ if (!isNaN(wkStart)) {
+ weekStart = config.weekStart = wkStart;
+ config.weekEnd = calcEndOfWeek(wkStart);
+ }
+ delete inOpts.weekStart;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.daysOfWeekDisabled) {
+ config.daysOfWeekDisabled = inOpts.daysOfWeekDisabled.reduce(sanitizeDOW, []);
+ delete inOpts.daysOfWeekDisabled;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.daysOfWeekHighlighted) {
+ config.daysOfWeekHighlighted = inOpts.daysOfWeekHighlighted.reduce(sanitizeDOW, []);
+ delete inOpts.daysOfWeekHighlighted;
+ }
+ //*** multi date ***//
+ if (inOpts.maxNumberOfDates !== undefined) {
+ const maxNumberOfDates = parseInt(inOpts.maxNumberOfDates, 10);
+ if (maxNumberOfDates >= 0) {
+ config.maxNumberOfDates = maxNumberOfDates;
+ config.multidate = maxNumberOfDates !== 1;
+ }
+ delete inOpts.maxNumberOfDates;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.dateDelimiter) {
+ config.dateDelimiter = String(inOpts.dateDelimiter);
+ delete inOpts.dateDelimiter;
+ }
+ //*** pick level & view ***//
+ let newPickLevel = pickLevel;
+ if (inOpts.pickLevel !== undefined) {
+ newPickLevel = validateViewId(inOpts.pickLevel, 2);
+ delete inOpts.pickLevel;
+ }
+ if (newPickLevel !== pickLevel) {
+ pickLevel = config.pickLevel = newPickLevel;
+ }
+ let newMaxView = maxView;
+ if (inOpts.maxView !== undefined) {
+ newMaxView = validateViewId(inOpts.maxView, maxView);
+ delete inOpts.maxView;
+ }
+ // ensure max view >= pick level
+ newMaxView = pickLevel > newMaxView ? pickLevel : newMaxView;
+ if (newMaxView !== maxView) {
+ maxView = config.maxView = newMaxView;
+ }
+ let newStartView = startView;
+ if (inOpts.startView !== undefined) {
+ newStartView = validateViewId(inOpts.startView, newStartView);
+ delete inOpts.startView;
+ }
+ // ensure pick level <= start view <= max view
+ if (newStartView < pickLevel) {
+ newStartView = pickLevel;
+ } else if (newStartView > maxView) {
+ newStartView = maxView;
+ }
+ if (newStartView !== startView) {
+ config.startView = newStartView;
+ }
+ //*** template ***//
+ if (inOpts.prevArrow) {
+ const prevArrow = parseHTML(inOpts.prevArrow);
+ if (prevArrow.childNodes.length > 0) {
+ config.prevArrow = prevArrow.childNodes;
+ }
+ delete inOpts.prevArrow;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.nextArrow) {
+ const nextArrow = parseHTML(inOpts.nextArrow);
+ if (nextArrow.childNodes.length > 0) {
+ config.nextArrow = nextArrow.childNodes;
+ }
+ delete inOpts.nextArrow;
+ }
+ //*** misc ***//
+ if (inOpts.disableTouchKeyboard !== undefined) {
+ config.disableTouchKeyboard = 'ontouchstart' in document && !!inOpts.disableTouchKeyboard;
+ delete inOpts.disableTouchKeyboard;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.orientation) {
+ const orientation = inOpts.orientation.toLowerCase().split(/\s+/g);
+ config.orientation = {
+ x: orientation.find(x => (x === 'left' || x === 'right')) || 'auto',
+ y: orientation.find(y => (y === 'top' || y === 'bottom')) || 'auto',
+ };
+ delete inOpts.orientation;
+ }
+ if (inOpts.todayBtnMode !== undefined) {
+ switch (inOpts.todayBtnMode) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ config.todayBtnMode = inOpts.todayBtnMode;
+ }
+ delete inOpts.todayBtnMode;
+ }
+ //*** copy the rest ***//
+ Object.keys(inOpts).forEach((key) => {
+ if (inOpts[key] !== undefined && (0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options_defaultOptions, key)) {
+ config[key] = inOpts[key];
+ }
+ });
+ return config;
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/templates/pickerTemplate.js
+ const pickerTemplate = (0, utils/* optimizeTemplateHTML */.zh)(`
+ /* harmony default export */
+ var templates_pickerTemplate = (pickerTemplate);
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/templates/daysTemplate.js
+ const daysTemplate = (0, utils/* optimizeTemplateHTML */.zh)(`
${(0, utils/* createTagRepeat */.em)('span', 7, {class: 'dow block flex-1 leading-9 border-0 rounded-lg cursor-default text-center text-gray-900 font-semibold text-sm'})}
${(0, utils/* createTagRepeat */.em)('span', 42, {class: 'block flex-1 leading-9 border-0 rounded-lg cursor-default text-center text-gray-900 font-semibold text-sm h-6 leading-6 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400'})}
+ /* harmony default export */
+ var templates_daysTemplate = (daysTemplate);
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/templates/calendarWeeksTemplate.js
+ const calendarWeeksTemplate = (0, utils/* optimizeTemplateHTML */.zh)(`
${(0, utils/* createTagRepeat */.em)('span', 6, {class: 'week block flex-1 leading-9 border-0 rounded-lg cursor-default text-center text-gray-900 font-semibold text-sm'})}
+ /* harmony default export */
+ var templates_calendarWeeksTemplate = (calendarWeeksTemplate);
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/views/View.js
+// Base class of the view classes
+ class View {
+ constructor(picker, config) {
+ Object.assign(this, config, {
+ picker,
+ element: parseHTML(``).firstChild,
+ selected: [],
+ });
+ this.init(this.picker.datepicker.config);
+ }
+ init(options) {
+ if (options.pickLevel !== undefined) {
+ this.isMinView = this.id === options.pickLevel;
+ }
+ this.setOptions(options);
+ this.updateFocus();
+ this.updateSelection();
+ }
+ // Execute beforeShow() callback and apply the result to the element
+ // args:
+ // - current - current value on the iteration on view rendering
+ // - timeValue - time value of the date to pass to beforeShow()
+ performBeforeHook(el, current, timeValue) {
+ let result = this.beforeShow(new Date(timeValue));
+ switch (typeof result) {
+ case 'boolean':
+ result = {enabled: result};
+ break;
+ case 'string':
+ result = {classes: result};
+ }
+ if (result) {
+ if (result.enabled === false) {
+ el.classList.add('disabled');
+ (0, utils/* pushUnique */.$C)(this.disabled, current);
+ }
+ if (result.classes) {
+ const extraClasses = result.classes.split(/\s+/);
+ el.classList.add(...extraClasses);
+ if (extraClasses.includes('disabled')) {
+ (0, utils/* pushUnique */.$C)(this.disabled, current);
+ }
+ }
+ if (result.content) {
+ replaceChildNodes(el, result.content);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/views/DaysView.js
+ class DaysView extends View {
+ constructor(picker) {
+ super(picker, {
+ id: 0,
+ name: 'days',
+ cellClass: 'day',
+ });
+ }
+ init(options, onConstruction = true) {
+ if (onConstruction) {
+ const inner = parseHTML(templates_daysTemplate).firstChild;
+ this.dow = inner.firstChild;
+ this.grid = inner.lastChild;
+ this.element.appendChild(inner);
+ }
+ super.init(options);
+ }
+ setOptions(options) {
+ let updateDOW;
+ if ((0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'minDate')) {
+ this.minDate = options.minDate;
+ }
+ if ((0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'maxDate')) {
+ this.maxDate = options.maxDate;
+ }
+ if (options.datesDisabled) {
+ this.datesDisabled = options.datesDisabled;
+ }
+ if (options.daysOfWeekDisabled) {
+ this.daysOfWeekDisabled = options.daysOfWeekDisabled;
+ updateDOW = true;
+ }
+ if (options.daysOfWeekHighlighted) {
+ this.daysOfWeekHighlighted = options.daysOfWeekHighlighted;
+ }
+ if (options.todayHighlight !== undefined) {
+ this.todayHighlight = options.todayHighlight;
+ }
+ if (options.weekStart !== undefined) {
+ this.weekStart = options.weekStart;
+ this.weekEnd = options.weekEnd;
+ updateDOW = true;
+ }
+ if (options.locale) {
+ const locale = this.locale = options.locale;
+ this.dayNames = locale.daysMin;
+ this.switchLabelFormat = locale.titleFormat;
+ updateDOW = true;
+ }
+ if (options.beforeShowDay !== undefined) {
+ this.beforeShow = typeof options.beforeShowDay === 'function'
+ ? options.beforeShowDay
+ : undefined;
+ }
+ if (options.calendarWeeks !== undefined) {
+ if (options.calendarWeeks && !this.calendarWeeks) {
+ const weeksElem = parseHTML(templates_calendarWeeksTemplate).firstChild;
+ this.calendarWeeks = {
+ element: weeksElem,
+ dow: weeksElem.firstChild,
+ weeks: weeksElem.lastChild,
+ };
+ this.element.insertBefore(weeksElem, this.element.firstChild);
+ } else if (this.calendarWeeks && !options.calendarWeeks) {
+ this.element.removeChild(this.calendarWeeks.element);
+ this.calendarWeeks = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.showDaysOfWeek !== undefined) {
+ if (options.showDaysOfWeek) {
+ showElement(this.dow);
+ if (this.calendarWeeks) {
+ showElement(this.calendarWeeks.dow);
+ }
+ } else {
+ hideElement(this.dow);
+ if (this.calendarWeeks) {
+ hideElement(this.calendarWeeks.dow);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // update days-of-week when locale, daysOfweekDisabled or weekStart is changed
+ if (updateDOW) {
+ Array.from(this.dow.children).forEach((el, index) => {
+ const dow = (this.weekStart + index) % 7;
+ el.textContent = this.dayNames[dow];
+ el.className = this.daysOfWeekDisabled.includes(dow) ? 'dow disabled text-center h-6 leading-6 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 cursor-not-allowed' : 'dow text-center h-6 leading-6 text-sm font-medium text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400';
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply update on the focused date to view's settings
+ updateFocus() {
+ const viewDate = new Date(this.picker.viewDate);
+ const viewYear = viewDate.getFullYear();
+ const viewMonth = viewDate.getMonth();
+ const firstOfMonth = (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(viewYear, viewMonth, 1);
+ const start = (0, lib_date/* dayOfTheWeekOf */.fr)(firstOfMonth, this.weekStart, this.weekStart);
+ this.first = firstOfMonth;
+ this.last = (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(viewYear, viewMonth + 1, 0);
+ this.start = start;
+ this.focused = this.picker.viewDate;
+ }
+ // Apply update on the selected dates to view's settings
+ updateSelection() {
+ const {dates, rangepicker} = this.picker.datepicker;
+ this.selected = dates;
+ if (rangepicker) {
+ this.range = rangepicker.dates;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the entire view UI
+ render() {
+ // update today marker on ever render
+ this.today = this.todayHighlight ? (0, lib_date/* today */.Lg)() : undefined;
+ // refresh disabled dates on every render in order to clear the ones added
+ // by beforeShow hook at previous render
+ this.disabled = [...this.datesDisabled];
+ const switchLabel = (0, date_format/* formatDate */.p6)(this.focused, this.switchLabelFormat, this.locale);
+ this.picker.setViewSwitchLabel(switchLabel);
+ this.picker.setPrevBtnDisabled(this.first <= this.minDate);
+ this.picker.setNextBtnDisabled(this.last >= this.maxDate);
+ if (this.calendarWeeks) {
+ // start of the UTC week (Monday) of the 1st of the month
+ const startOfWeek = (0, lib_date/* dayOfTheWeekOf */.fr)(this.first, 1, 1);
+ Array.from(this.calendarWeeks.weeks.children).forEach((el, index) => {
+ el.textContent = (0, lib_date/* getWeek */.Qk)((0, lib_date/* addWeeks */.jh)(startOfWeek, index));
+ });
+ }
+ Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el, index) => {
+ const classList = el.classList;
+ const current = (0, lib_date/* addDays */.E4)(this.start, index);
+ const date = new Date(current);
+ const day = date.getDay();
+ el.className = `datepicker-cell hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-600 block flex-1 leading-9 border-0 rounded-lg cursor-pointer text-center text-gray-900 dark:text-white font-semibold text-sm ${this.cellClass}`;
+ el.dataset.date = current;
+ el.textContent = date.getDate();
+ if (current < this.first) {
+ classList.add('prev', 'text-gray-500', 'dark:text-white');
+ } else if (current > this.last) {
+ classList.add('next', 'text-gray-500', 'dark:text-white');
+ }
+ if (this.today === current) {
+ classList.add('today', 'bg-gray-100', 'dark:bg-gray-600');
+ }
+ if (current < this.minDate || current > this.maxDate || this.disabled.includes(current)) {
+ classList.add('disabled', 'cursor-not-allowed');
+ }
+ if (this.daysOfWeekDisabled.includes(day)) {
+ classList.add('disabled', 'cursor-not-allowed');
+ (0, utils/* pushUnique */.$C)(this.disabled, current);
+ }
+ if (this.daysOfWeekHighlighted.includes(day)) {
+ classList.add('highlighted');
+ }
+ if (this.range) {
+ const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = this.range;
+ if (current > rangeStart && current < rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range', 'bg-gray-200', 'dark:bg-gray-600');
+ classList.remove('rounded-lg', 'rounded-l-lg', 'rounded-r-lg')
+ }
+ if (current === rangeStart) {
+ classList.add('range-start', 'bg-gray-100', 'dark:bg-gray-600', 'rounded-l-lg');
+ classList.remove('rounded-lg', 'rounded-r-lg');
+ }
+ if (current === rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range-end', 'bg-gray-100', 'dark:bg-gray-600', 'rounded-r-lg');
+ classList.remove('rounded-lg', 'rounded-l-lg');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.selected.includes(current)) {
+ classList.add('selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white');
+ classList.remove('text-gray-900', 'text-gray-500', 'hover:bg-gray-100', 'dark:text-white', 'dark:hover:bg-gray-600', 'dark:bg-gray-600', 'bg-gray-100', 'bg-gray-200');
+ }
+ if (current === this.focused) {
+ classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ if (this.beforeShow) {
+ this.performBeforeHook(el, current, current);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Update the view UI by applying the changes of selected and focused items
+ refresh() {
+ const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = this.range || [];
+ this.grid
+ .querySelectorAll('.range, .range-start, .range-end, .selected, .focused')
+ .forEach((el) => {
+ el.classList.remove('range', 'range-start', 'range-end', 'selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white', 'focused');
+ el.classList.add('text-gray-900', 'rounded-lg', 'dark:text-white');
+ });
+ Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el) => {
+ const current = Number(el.dataset.date);
+ const classList = el.classList;
+ classList.remove('bg-gray-200', 'dark:bg-gray-600', 'rounded-l-lg', 'rounded-r-lg')
+ if (current > rangeStart && current < rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range', 'bg-gray-200', 'dark:bg-gray-600');
+ classList.remove('rounded-lg');
+ }
+ if (current === rangeStart) {
+ classList.add('range-start', 'bg-gray-200', 'dark:bg-gray-600', 'rounded-l-lg');
+ classList.remove('rounded-lg', 'rounded-r-lg');
+ }
+ if (current === rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range-end', 'bg-gray-200', 'dark:bg-gray-600', 'rounded-r-lg');
+ classList.remove('rounded-lg', 'rounded-l-lg');
+ }
+ if (this.selected.includes(current)) {
+ classList.add('selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white');
+ classList.remove('text-gray-900', 'hover:bg-gray-100', 'dark:text-white', 'dark:hover:bg-gray-600', 'bg-gray-100', 'bg-gray-200', 'dark:bg-gray-600');
+ }
+ if (current === this.focused) {
+ classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Update the view UI by applying the change of focused item
+ refreshFocus() {
+ const index = Math.round((this.focused - this.start) / 86400000);
+ this.grid.querySelectorAll('.focused').forEach((el) => {
+ el.classList.remove('focused');
+ });
+ this.grid.children[index].classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/views/MonthsView.js
+ function computeMonthRange(range, thisYear) {
+ if (!range || !range[0] || !range[1]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const [[startY, startM], [endY, endM]] = range;
+ if (startY > thisYear || endY < thisYear) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return [
+ startY === thisYear ? startM : -1,
+ endY === thisYear ? endM : 12,
+ ];
+ }
+ class MonthsView extends View {
+ constructor(picker) {
+ super(picker, {
+ id: 1,
+ name: 'months',
+ cellClass: 'month',
+ });
+ }
+ init(options, onConstruction = true) {
+ if (onConstruction) {
+ this.grid = this.element;
+ this.element.classList.add('months', 'datepicker-grid', 'w-64', 'grid', 'grid-cols-4');
+ this.grid.appendChild(parseHTML((0, utils/* createTagRepeat */.em)('span', 12, {'data-month': ix => ix})));
+ }
+ super.init(options);
+ }
+ setOptions(options) {
+ if (options.locale) {
+ this.monthNames = options.locale.monthsShort;
+ }
+ if ((0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'minDate')) {
+ if (options.minDate === undefined) {
+ this.minYear = this.minMonth = this.minDate = undefined;
+ } else {
+ const minDateObj = new Date(options.minDate);
+ this.minYear = minDateObj.getFullYear();
+ this.minMonth = minDateObj.getMonth();
+ this.minDate = minDateObj.setDate(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'maxDate')) {
+ if (options.maxDate === undefined) {
+ this.maxYear = this.maxMonth = this.maxDate = undefined;
+ } else {
+ const maxDateObj = new Date(options.maxDate);
+ this.maxYear = maxDateObj.getFullYear();
+ this.maxMonth = maxDateObj.getMonth();
+ this.maxDate = (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(this.maxYear, this.maxMonth + 1, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.beforeShowMonth !== undefined) {
+ this.beforeShow = typeof options.beforeShowMonth === 'function'
+ ? options.beforeShowMonth
+ : undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update view's settings to reflect the viewDate set on the picker
+ updateFocus() {
+ const viewDate = new Date(this.picker.viewDate);
+ this.year = viewDate.getFullYear();
+ this.focused = viewDate.getMonth();
+ }
+ // Update view's settings to reflect the selected dates
+ updateSelection() {
+ const {dates, rangepicker} = this.picker.datepicker;
+ this.selected = dates.reduce((selected, timeValue) => {
+ const date = new Date(timeValue);
+ const year = date.getFullYear();
+ const month = date.getMonth();
+ if (selected[year] === undefined) {
+ selected[year] = [month];
+ } else {
+ (0, utils/* pushUnique */.$C)(selected[year], month);
+ }
+ return selected;
+ }, {});
+ if (rangepicker && rangepicker.dates) {
+ this.range = rangepicker.dates.map(timeValue => {
+ const date = new Date(timeValue);
+ return isNaN(date) ? undefined : [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()];
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the entire view UI
+ render() {
+ // refresh disabled months on every render in order to clear the ones added
+ // by beforeShow hook at previous render
+ this.disabled = [];
+ this.picker.setViewSwitchLabel(this.year);
+ this.picker.setPrevBtnDisabled(this.year <= this.minYear);
+ this.picker.setNextBtnDisabled(this.year >= this.maxYear);
+ const selected = this.selected[this.year] || [];
+ const yrOutOfRange = this.year < this.minYear || this.year > this.maxYear;
+ const isMinYear = this.year === this.minYear;
+ const isMaxYear = this.year === this.maxYear;
+ const range = computeMonthRange(this.range, this.year);
+ Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el, index) => {
+ const classList = el.classList;
+ const date = (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(this.year, index, 1);
+ el.className = `datepicker-cell hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-600 block flex-1 leading-9 border-0 rounded-lg cursor-pointer text-center text-gray-900 dark:text-white font-semibold text-sm ${this.cellClass}`;
+ if (this.isMinView) {
+ el.dataset.date = date;
+ }
+ // reset text on every render to clear the custom content set
+ // by beforeShow hook at previous render
+ el.textContent = this.monthNames[index];
+ if (
+ yrOutOfRange
+ || isMinYear && index < this.minMonth
+ || isMaxYear && index > this.maxMonth
+ ) {
+ classList.add('disabled');
+ }
+ if (range) {
+ const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = range;
+ if (index > rangeStart && index < rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range');
+ }
+ if (index === rangeStart) {
+ classList.add('range-start');
+ }
+ if (index === rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range-end');
+ }
+ }
+ if (selected.includes(index)) {
+ classList.add('selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white');
+ classList.remove('text-gray-900', 'hover:bg-gray-100', 'dark:text-white', 'dark:hover:bg-gray-600');
+ }
+ if (index === this.focused) {
+ classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ if (this.beforeShow) {
+ this.performBeforeHook(el, index, date);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Update the view UI by applying the changes of selected and focused items
+ refresh() {
+ const selected = this.selected[this.year] || [];
+ const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = computeMonthRange(this.range, this.year) || [];
+ this.grid
+ .querySelectorAll('.range, .range-start, .range-end, .selected, .focused')
+ .forEach((el) => {
+ el.classList.remove('range', 'range-start', 'range-end', 'selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white', 'text-white', 'focused');
+ el.classList.add('text-gray-900', 'hover:bg-gray-100', 'dark:text-white', 'dark:hover:bg-gray-600');
+ });
+ Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el, index) => {
+ const classList = el.classList;
+ if (index > rangeStart && index < rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range');
+ }
+ if (index === rangeStart) {
+ classList.add('range-start');
+ }
+ if (index === rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range-end');
+ }
+ if (selected.includes(index)) {
+ classList.add('selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white');
+ classList.remove('text-gray-900', 'hover:bg-gray-100', 'dark:text-white', 'dark:hover:bg-gray-600');
+ }
+ if (index === this.focused) {
+ classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Update the view UI by applying the change of focused item
+ refreshFocus() {
+ this.grid.querySelectorAll('.focused').forEach((el) => {
+ el.classList.remove('focused');
+ });
+ this.grid.children[this.focused].classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/views/YearsView.js
+ function toTitleCase(word) {
+ return [...word].reduce((str, ch, ix) => str += ix ? ch : ch.toUpperCase(), '');
+ }
+// Class representing the years and decades view elements
+ class YearsView extends View {
+ constructor(picker, config) {
+ super(picker, config);
+ }
+ init(options, onConstruction = true) {
+ if (onConstruction) {
+ this.navStep = this.step * 10;
+ this.beforeShowOption = `beforeShow${toTitleCase(this.cellClass)}`;
+ this.grid = this.element;
+ this.element.classList.add(this.name, 'datepicker-grid', 'w-64', 'grid', 'grid-cols-4');
+ this.grid.appendChild(parseHTML((0, utils/* createTagRepeat */.em)('span', 12)));
+ }
+ super.init(options);
+ }
+ setOptions(options) {
+ if ((0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'minDate')) {
+ if (options.minDate === undefined) {
+ this.minYear = this.minDate = undefined;
+ } else {
+ this.minYear = (0, lib_date/* startOfYearPeriod */.ak)(options.minDate, this.step);
+ this.minDate = (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(this.minYear, 0, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'maxDate')) {
+ if (options.maxDate === undefined) {
+ this.maxYear = this.maxDate = undefined;
+ } else {
+ this.maxYear = (0, lib_date/* startOfYearPeriod */.ak)(options.maxDate, this.step);
+ this.maxDate = (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(this.maxYear, 11, 31);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options[this.beforeShowOption] !== undefined) {
+ const beforeShow = options[this.beforeShowOption];
+ this.beforeShow = typeof beforeShow === 'function' ? beforeShow : undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update view's settings to reflect the viewDate set on the picker
+ updateFocus() {
+ const viewDate = new Date(this.picker.viewDate);
+ const first = (0, lib_date/* startOfYearPeriod */.ak)(viewDate, this.navStep);
+ const last = first + 9 * this.step;
+ this.first = first;
+ this.last = last;
+ this.start = first - this.step;
+ this.focused = (0, lib_date/* startOfYearPeriod */.ak)(viewDate, this.step);
+ }
+ // Update view's settings to reflect the selected dates
+ updateSelection() {
+ const {dates, rangepicker} = this.picker.datepicker;
+ this.selected = dates.reduce((years, timeValue) => {
+ return (0, utils/* pushUnique */.$C)(years, (0, lib_date/* startOfYearPeriod */.ak)(timeValue, this.step));
+ }, []);
+ if (rangepicker && rangepicker.dates) {
+ this.range = rangepicker.dates.map(timeValue => {
+ if (timeValue !== undefined) {
+ return (0, lib_date/* startOfYearPeriod */.ak)(timeValue, this.step);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the entire view UI
+ render() {
+ // refresh disabled years on every render in order to clear the ones added
+ // by beforeShow hook at previous render
+ this.disabled = [];
+ this.picker.setViewSwitchLabel(`${this.first}-${this.last}`);
+ this.picker.setPrevBtnDisabled(this.first <= this.minYear);
+ this.picker.setNextBtnDisabled(this.last >= this.maxYear);
+ Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el, index) => {
+ const classList = el.classList;
+ const current = this.start + (index * this.step);
+ const date = (0, lib_date/* dateValue */.by)(current, 0, 1);
+ el.className = `datepicker-cell hover:bg-gray-100 dark:hover:bg-gray-600 block flex-1 leading-9 border-0 rounded-lg cursor-pointer text-center text-gray-900 dark:text-white font-semibold text-sm ${this.cellClass}`;
+ if (this.isMinView) {
+ el.dataset.date = date;
+ }
+ el.textContent = el.dataset.year = current;
+ if (index === 0) {
+ classList.add('prev');
+ } else if (index === 11) {
+ classList.add('next');
+ }
+ if (current < this.minYear || current > this.maxYear) {
+ classList.add('disabled');
+ }
+ if (this.range) {
+ const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = this.range;
+ if (current > rangeStart && current < rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range');
+ }
+ if (current === rangeStart) {
+ classList.add('range-start');
+ }
+ if (current === rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range-end');
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.selected.includes(current)) {
+ classList.add('selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white');
+ classList.remove('text-gray-900', 'hover:bg-gray-100', 'dark:text-white', 'dark:hover:bg-gray-600');
+ }
+ if (current === this.focused) {
+ classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ if (this.beforeShow) {
+ this.performBeforeHook(el, current, date);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Update the view UI by applying the changes of selected and focused items
+ refresh() {
+ const [rangeStart, rangeEnd] = this.range || [];
+ this.grid
+ .querySelectorAll('.range, .range-start, .range-end, .selected, .focused')
+ .forEach((el) => {
+ el.classList.remove('range', 'range-start', 'range-end', 'selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white', 'focused');
+ });
+ Array.from(this.grid.children).forEach((el) => {
+ const current = Number(el.textContent);
+ const classList = el.classList;
+ if (current > rangeStart && current < rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range');
+ }
+ if (current === rangeStart) {
+ classList.add('range-start');
+ }
+ if (current === rangeEnd) {
+ classList.add('range-end');
+ }
+ if (this.selected.includes(current)) {
+ classList.add('selected', 'bg-blue-700', 'text-white', 'dark:bg-blue-600', 'dark:text-white');
+ classList.remove('text-gray-900', 'hover:bg-gray-100', 'dark:text-white', 'dark:hover:bg-gray-600');
+ }
+ if (current === this.focused) {
+ classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ // Update the view UI by applying the change of focused item
+ refreshFocus() {
+ const index = Math.round((this.focused - this.start) / this.step);
+ this.grid.querySelectorAll('.focused').forEach((el) => {
+ el.classList.remove('focused');
+ });
+ this.grid.children[index].classList.add('focused');
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/events/functions.js
+ function triggerDatepickerEvent(datepicker, type) {
+ const detail = {
+ date: datepicker.getDate(),
+ viewDate: new Date(datepicker.picker.viewDate),
+ viewId: datepicker.picker.currentView.id,
+ datepicker,
+ };
+ datepicker.element.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(type, {detail}));
+ }
+// direction: -1 (to previous), 1 (to next)
+ function goToPrevOrNext(datepicker, direction) {
+ const {minDate, maxDate} = datepicker.config;
+ const {currentView, viewDate} = datepicker.picker;
+ let newViewDate;
+ switch (currentView.id) {
+ case 0:
+ newViewDate = (0, lib_date/* addMonths */.zI)(viewDate, direction);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ newViewDate = (0, lib_date/* addYears */.Bc)(viewDate, direction);
+ break;
+ default:
+ newViewDate = (0, lib_date/* addYears */.Bc)(viewDate, direction * currentView.navStep);
+ }
+ newViewDate = (0, utils/* limitToRange */.jG)(newViewDate, minDate, maxDate);
+ datepicker.picker.changeFocus(newViewDate).render();
+ }
+ function switchView(datepicker) {
+ const viewId = datepicker.picker.currentView.id;
+ if (viewId === datepicker.config.maxView) {
+ return;
+ }
+ datepicker.picker.changeView(viewId + 1).render();
+ }
+ function unfocus(datepicker) {
+ if (datepicker.config.updateOnBlur) {
+ datepicker.update({autohide: true});
+ } else {
+ datepicker.refresh('input');
+ datepicker.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/events/pickerListeners.js
+ function goToSelectedMonthOrYear(datepicker, selection) {
+ const picker = datepicker.picker;
+ const viewDate = new Date(picker.viewDate);
+ const viewId = picker.currentView.id;
+ const newDate = viewId === 1
+ ? (0, lib_date/* addMonths */.zI)(viewDate, selection - viewDate.getMonth())
+ : (0, lib_date/* addYears */.Bc)(viewDate, selection - viewDate.getFullYear());
+ picker.changeFocus(newDate).changeView(viewId - 1).render();
+ }
+ function onClickTodayBtn(datepicker) {
+ const picker = datepicker.picker;
+ const currentDate = (0, lib_date/* today */.Lg)();
+ if (datepicker.config.todayBtnMode === 1) {
+ if (datepicker.config.autohide) {
+ datepicker.setDate(currentDate);
+ return;
+ }
+ datepicker.setDate(currentDate, {render: false});
+ picker.update();
+ }
+ if (picker.viewDate !== currentDate) {
+ picker.changeFocus(currentDate);
+ }
+ picker.changeView(0).render();
+ }
+ function onClickClearBtn(datepicker) {
+ datepicker.setDate({clear: true});
+ }
+ function onClickViewSwitch(datepicker) {
+ switchView(datepicker);
+ }
+ function onClickPrevBtn(datepicker) {
+ goToPrevOrNext(datepicker, -1);
+ }
+ function onClickNextBtn(datepicker) {
+ goToPrevOrNext(datepicker, 1);
+ }
+// For the picker's main block to delegete the events from `datepicker-cell`s
+ function onClickView(datepicker, ev) {
+ const target = (0, lib_event/* findElementInEventPath */.He)(ev, '.datepicker-cell');
+ if (!target || target.classList.contains('disabled')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const {id, isMinView} = datepicker.picker.currentView;
+ if (isMinView) {
+ datepicker.setDate(Number(target.dataset.date));
+ } else if (id === 1) {
+ goToSelectedMonthOrYear(datepicker, Number(target.dataset.month));
+ } else {
+ goToSelectedMonthOrYear(datepicker, Number(target.dataset.year));
+ }
+ }
+ function onClickPicker(datepicker) {
+ if (!datepicker.inline && !datepicker.config.disableTouchKeyboard) {
+ datepicker.inputField.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/picker/Picker.js
+ function processPickerOptions(picker, options) {
+ if (options.title !== undefined) {
+ if (options.title) {
+ picker.controls.title.textContent = options.title;
+ showElement(picker.controls.title);
+ } else {
+ picker.controls.title.textContent = '';
+ hideElement(picker.controls.title);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.prevArrow) {
+ const prevBtn = picker.controls.prevBtn;
+ emptyChildNodes(prevBtn);
+ options.prevArrow.forEach((node) => {
+ prevBtn.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true));
+ });
+ }
+ if (options.nextArrow) {
+ const nextBtn = picker.controls.nextBtn;
+ emptyChildNodes(nextBtn);
+ options.nextArrow.forEach((node) => {
+ nextBtn.appendChild(node.cloneNode(true));
+ });
+ }
+ if (options.locale) {
+ picker.controls.todayBtn.textContent = options.locale.today;
+ picker.controls.clearBtn.textContent = options.locale.clear;
+ }
+ if (options.todayBtn !== undefined) {
+ if (options.todayBtn) {
+ showElement(picker.controls.todayBtn);
+ } else {
+ hideElement(picker.controls.todayBtn);
+ }
+ }
+ if ((0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'minDate') || (0, utils/* hasProperty */.l$)(options, 'maxDate')) {
+ const {minDate, maxDate} = picker.datepicker.config;
+ picker.controls.todayBtn.disabled = !(0, utils/* isInRange */.mh)((0, lib_date/* today */.Lg)(), minDate, maxDate);
+ }
+ if (options.clearBtn !== undefined) {
+ if (options.clearBtn) {
+ showElement(picker.controls.clearBtn);
+ } else {
+ hideElement(picker.controls.clearBtn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Compute view date to reset, which will be...
+// - the last item of the selected dates or defaultViewDate if no selection
+// - limitted to minDate or maxDate if it exceeds the range
+ function computeResetViewDate(datepicker) {
+ const {dates, config} = datepicker;
+ const viewDate = dates.length > 0 ? (0, utils/* lastItemOf */.Jm)(dates) : config.defaultViewDate;
+ return (0, utils/* limitToRange */.jG)(viewDate, config.minDate, config.maxDate);
+ }
+// Change current view's view date
+ function setViewDate(picker, newDate) {
+ const oldViewDate = new Date(picker.viewDate);
+ const newViewDate = new Date(newDate);
+ const {id, year, first, last} = picker.currentView;
+ const viewYear = newViewDate.getFullYear();
+ picker.viewDate = newDate;
+ if (viewYear !== oldViewDate.getFullYear()) {
+ triggerDatepickerEvent(picker.datepicker, 'changeYear');
+ }
+ if (newViewDate.getMonth() !== oldViewDate.getMonth()) {
+ triggerDatepickerEvent(picker.datepicker, 'changeMonth');
+ }
+ // return whether the new date is in different period on time from the one
+ // displayed in the current view
+ // when true, the view needs to be re-rendered on the next UI refresh.
+ switch (id) {
+ case 0:
+ return newDate < first || newDate > last;
+ case 1:
+ return viewYear !== year;
+ default:
+ return viewYear < first || viewYear > last;
+ }
+ }
+ function getTextDirection(el) {
+ return window.getComputedStyle(el).direction;
+ }
+// Class representing the picker UI
+ class Picker {
+ constructor(datepicker) {
+ this.datepicker = datepicker;
+ const template = templates_pickerTemplate.replace(/%buttonClass%/g, datepicker.config.buttonClass);
+ const element = this.element = parseHTML(template).firstChild;
+ const [header, main, footer] = element.firstChild.children;
+ const title = header.firstElementChild;
+ const [prevBtn, viewSwitch, nextBtn] = header.lastElementChild.children;
+ const [todayBtn, clearBtn] = footer.firstChild.children;
+ const controls = {
+ title,
+ prevBtn,
+ viewSwitch,
+ nextBtn,
+ todayBtn,
+ clearBtn,
+ };
+ this.main = main;
+ this.controls = controls;
+ const elementClass = datepicker.inline ? 'inline' : 'dropdown';
+ element.classList.add(`datepicker-${elementClass}`);
+ elementClass === 'dropdown' ? element.classList.add('dropdown', 'absolute', 'top-0', 'left-0', 'z-50', 'pt-2') : null;
+ processPickerOptions(this, datepicker.config);
+ this.viewDate = computeResetViewDate(datepicker);
+ // set up event listeners
+ (0, lib_event/* registerListeners */.cF)(datepicker, [
+ [element, 'click', onClickPicker.bind(null, datepicker), {capture: true}],
+ [main, 'click', onClickView.bind(null, datepicker)],
+ [controls.viewSwitch, 'click', onClickViewSwitch.bind(null, datepicker)],
+ [controls.prevBtn, 'click', onClickPrevBtn.bind(null, datepicker)],
+ [controls.nextBtn, 'click', onClickNextBtn.bind(null, datepicker)],
+ [controls.todayBtn, 'click', onClickTodayBtn.bind(null, datepicker)],
+ [controls.clearBtn, 'click', onClickClearBtn.bind(null, datepicker)],
+ ]);
+ // set up views
+ this.views = [
+ new DaysView(this),
+ new MonthsView(this),
+ new YearsView(this, {id: 2, name: 'years', cellClass: 'year', step: 1}),
+ new YearsView(this, {id: 3, name: 'decades', cellClass: 'decade', step: 10}),
+ ];
+ this.currentView = this.views[datepicker.config.startView];
+ this.currentView.render();
+ this.main.appendChild(this.currentView.element);
+ datepicker.config.container.appendChild(this.element);
+ }
+ setOptions(options) {
+ processPickerOptions(this, options);
+ this.views.forEach((view) => {
+ view.init(options, false);
+ });
+ this.currentView.render();
+ }
+ detach() {
+ this.datepicker.config.container.removeChild(this.element);
+ }
+ show() {
+ if (this.active) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.element.classList.add('active', 'block');
+ this.element.classList.remove('hidden');
+ this.active = true;
+ const datepicker = this.datepicker;
+ if (!datepicker.inline) {
+ // ensure picker's direction matches input's
+ const inputDirection = getTextDirection(datepicker.inputField);
+ if (inputDirection !== getTextDirection(datepicker.config.container)) {
+ this.element.dir = inputDirection;
+ } else if (this.element.dir) {
+ this.element.removeAttribute('dir');
+ }
+ this.place();
+ if (datepicker.config.disableTouchKeyboard) {
+ datepicker.inputField.blur();
+ }
+ }
+ triggerDatepickerEvent(datepicker, 'show');
+ }
+ hide() {
+ if (!this.active) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.datepicker.exitEditMode();
+ this.element.classList.remove('active', 'block');
+ this.element.classList.add('active', 'block', 'hidden');
+ this.active = false;
+ triggerDatepickerEvent(this.datepicker, 'hide');
+ }
+ place() {
+ const {classList, style} = this.element;
+ const {config, inputField} = this.datepicker;
+ const container = config.container;
+ const {
+ width: calendarWidth,
+ height: calendarHeight,
+ } = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const {
+ left: containerLeft,
+ top: containerTop,
+ width: containerWidth,
+ } = container.getBoundingClientRect();
+ const {
+ left: inputLeft,
+ top: inputTop,
+ width: inputWidth,
+ height: inputHeight
+ } = inputField.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let {x: orientX, y: orientY} = config.orientation;
+ let scrollTop;
+ let left;
+ let top;
+ if (container === document.body) {
+ scrollTop = window.scrollY;
+ left = inputLeft + window.scrollX;
+ top = inputTop + scrollTop;
+ } else {
+ scrollTop = container.scrollTop;
+ left = inputLeft - containerLeft;
+ top = inputTop - containerTop + scrollTop;
+ }
+ if (orientX === 'auto') {
+ if (left < 0) {
+ // align to the left and move into visible area if input's left edge < window's
+ orientX = 'left';
+ left = 10;
+ } else if (left + calendarWidth > containerWidth) {
+ // align to the right if canlendar's right edge > container's
+ orientX = 'right';
+ } else {
+ orientX = getTextDirection(inputField) === 'rtl' ? 'right' : 'left';
+ }
+ }
+ if (orientX === 'right') {
+ left -= calendarWidth - inputWidth;
+ }
+ if (orientY === 'auto') {
+ orientY = top - calendarHeight < scrollTop ? 'bottom' : 'top';
+ }
+ if (orientY === 'top') {
+ top -= calendarHeight;
+ } else {
+ top += inputHeight;
+ }
+ classList.remove(
+ 'datepicker-orient-top',
+ 'datepicker-orient-bottom',
+ 'datepicker-orient-right',
+ 'datepicker-orient-left'
+ );
+ classList.add(`datepicker-orient-${orientY}`, `datepicker-orient-${orientX}`);
+ style.top = top ? `${top}px` : top;
+ style.left = left ? `${left}px` : left;
+ }
+ setViewSwitchLabel(labelText) {
+ this.controls.viewSwitch.textContent = labelText;
+ }
+ setPrevBtnDisabled(disabled) {
+ this.controls.prevBtn.disabled = disabled;
+ }
+ setNextBtnDisabled(disabled) {
+ this.controls.nextBtn.disabled = disabled;
+ }
+ changeView(viewId) {
+ const oldView = this.currentView;
+ const newView = this.views[viewId];
+ if (newView.id !== oldView.id) {
+ this.currentView = newView;
+ this._renderMethod = 'render';
+ triggerDatepickerEvent(this.datepicker, 'changeView');
+ this.main.replaceChild(newView.element, oldView.element);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Change the focused date (view date)
+ changeFocus(newViewDate) {
+ this._renderMethod = setViewDate(this, newViewDate) ? 'render' : 'refreshFocus';
+ this.views.forEach((view) => {
+ view.updateFocus();
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Apply the change of the selected dates
+ update() {
+ const newViewDate = computeResetViewDate(this.datepicker);
+ this._renderMethod = setViewDate(this, newViewDate) ? 'render' : 'refresh';
+ this.views.forEach((view) => {
+ view.updateFocus();
+ view.updateSelection();
+ });
+ return this;
+ }
+ // Refresh the picker UI
+ render(quickRender = true) {
+ const renderMethod = (quickRender && this._renderMethod) || 'render';
+ delete this._renderMethod;
+ this.currentView[renderMethod]();
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/events/inputFieldListeners.js
+// Find the closest date that doesn't meet the condition for unavailable date
+// Returns undefined if no available date is found
+// addFn: function to calculate the next date
+// - args: time value, amount
+// increase: amount to pass to addFn
+// testFn: function to test the unavailablity of the date
+// - args: time value; retun: true if unavailable
+ function findNextAvailableOne(date, addFn, increase, testFn, min, max) {
+ if (!(0, utils/* isInRange */.mh)(date, min, max)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (testFn(date)) {
+ const newDate = addFn(date, increase);
+ return findNextAvailableOne(newDate, addFn, increase, testFn, min, max);
+ }
+ return date;
+ }
+// direction: -1 (left/up), 1 (right/down)
+// vertical: true for up/down, false for left/right
+ function moveByArrowKey(datepicker, ev, direction, vertical) {
+ const picker = datepicker.picker;
+ const currentView = picker.currentView;
+ const step = currentView.step || 1;
+ let viewDate = picker.viewDate;
+ let addFn;
+ let testFn;
+ switch (currentView.id) {
+ case 0:
+ if (vertical) {
+ viewDate = (0, lib_date/* addDays */.E4)(viewDate, direction * 7);
+ } else if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) {
+ viewDate = (0, lib_date/* addYears */.Bc)(viewDate, direction);
+ } else {
+ viewDate = (0, lib_date/* addDays */.E4)(viewDate, direction);
+ }
+ addFn = lib_date/* addDays */.E4;
+ testFn = (date) => currentView.disabled.includes(date);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ viewDate = (0, lib_date/* addMonths */.zI)(viewDate, vertical ? direction * 4 : direction);
+ addFn = lib_date/* addMonths */.zI;
+ testFn = (date) => {
+ const dt = new Date(date);
+ const {year, disabled} = currentView;
+ return dt.getFullYear() === year && disabled.includes(dt.getMonth());
+ };
+ break;
+ default:
+ viewDate = (0, lib_date/* addYears */.Bc)(viewDate, direction * (vertical ? 4 : 1) * step);
+ addFn = lib_date/* addYears */.Bc;
+ testFn = date => currentView.disabled.includes((0, lib_date/* startOfYearPeriod */.ak)(date, step));
+ }
+ viewDate = findNextAvailableOne(
+ viewDate,
+ addFn,
+ direction < 0 ? -step : step,
+ testFn,
+ currentView.minDate,
+ currentView.maxDate
+ );
+ if (viewDate !== undefined) {
+ picker.changeFocus(viewDate).render();
+ }
+ }
+ function onKeydown(datepicker, ev) {
+ if (ev.key === 'Tab') {
+ unfocus(datepicker);
+ return;
+ }
+ const picker = datepicker.picker;
+ const {id, isMinView} = picker.currentView;
+ if (!picker.active) {
+ switch (ev.key) {
+ case 'ArrowDown':
+ case 'Escape':
+ picker.show();
+ break;
+ case 'Enter':
+ datepicker.update();
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (datepicker.editMode) {
+ switch (ev.key) {
+ case 'Escape':
+ picker.hide();
+ break;
+ case 'Enter':
+ datepicker.exitEditMode({update: true, autohide: datepicker.config.autohide});
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (ev.key) {
+ case 'Escape':
+ picker.hide();
+ break;
+ case 'ArrowLeft':
+ if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) {
+ goToPrevOrNext(datepicker, -1);
+ } else if (ev.shiftKey) {
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ moveByArrowKey(datepicker, ev, -1, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'ArrowRight':
+ if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) {
+ goToPrevOrNext(datepicker, 1);
+ } else if (ev.shiftKey) {
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ moveByArrowKey(datepicker, ev, 1, false);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'ArrowUp':
+ if (ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) {
+ switchView(datepicker);
+ } else if (ev.shiftKey) {
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ return;
+ } else {
+ moveByArrowKey(datepicker, ev, -1, true);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'ArrowDown':
+ if (ev.shiftKey && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.metaKey) {
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ return;
+ }
+ moveByArrowKey(datepicker, ev, 1, true);
+ break;
+ case 'Enter':
+ if (isMinView) {
+ datepicker.setDate(picker.viewDate);
+ } else {
+ picker.changeView(id - 1).render();
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Backspace':
+ case 'Delete':
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (ev.key.length === 1 && !ev.ctrlKey && !ev.metaKey) {
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ ev.preventDefault();
+ ev.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ function onFocus(datepicker) {
+ if (datepicker.config.showOnFocus && !datepicker._showing) {
+ datepicker.show();
+ }
+ }
+// for the prevention for entering edit mode while getting focus on click
+ function onMousedown(datepicker, ev) {
+ const el = ev.target;
+ if (datepicker.picker.active || datepicker.config.showOnClick) {
+ el._active = el === document.activeElement;
+ el._clicking = setTimeout(() => {
+ delete el._active;
+ delete el._clicking;
+ }, 2000);
+ }
+ }
+ function onClickInput(datepicker, ev) {
+ const el = ev.target;
+ if (!el._clicking) {
+ return;
+ }
+ clearTimeout(el._clicking);
+ delete el._clicking;
+ if (el._active) {
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ }
+ delete el._active;
+ if (datepicker.config.showOnClick) {
+ datepicker.show();
+ }
+ }
+ function onPaste(datepicker, ev) {
+ if (ev.clipboardData.types.includes('text/plain')) {
+ datepicker.enterEditMode();
+ }
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/events/otherListeners.js
+// for the `document` to delegate the events from outside the picker/input field
+ function onClickOutside(datepicker, ev) {
+ const element = datepicker.element;
+ if (element !== document.activeElement) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const pickerElem = datepicker.picker.element;
+ if ((0, lib_event/* findElementInEventPath */.He)(ev, el => el === element || el === pickerElem)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ unfocus(datepicker);
+ }
+ ;// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/flowbite-datepicker/js/Datepicker.js
+ function stringifyDates(dates, config) {
+ return dates
+ .map(dt => (0, date_format/* formatDate */.p6)(dt, config.format, config.locale))
+ .join(config.dateDelimiter);
+ }
+// parse input dates and create an array of time values for selection
+// returns undefined if there are no valid dates in inputDates
+// when origDates (current selection) is passed, the function works to mix
+// the input dates into the current selection
+ function processInputDates(datepicker, inputDates, clear = false) {
+ const {config, dates: origDates, rangepicker} = datepicker;
+ if (inputDates.length === 0) {
+ // empty input is considered valid unless origiDates is passed
+ return clear ? [] : undefined;
+ }
+ const rangeEnd = rangepicker && datepicker === rangepicker.datepickers[1];
+ let newDates = inputDates.reduce((dates, dt) => {
+ let date = (0, date_format/* parseDate */.sG)(dt, config.format, config.locale);
+ if (date === undefined) {
+ return dates;
+ }
+ if (config.pickLevel > 0) {
+ // adjust to 1st of the month/Jan 1st of the year
+ // or to the last day of the monh/Dec 31st of the year if the datepicker
+ // is the range-end picker of a rangepicker
+ const dt = new Date(date);
+ if (config.pickLevel === 1) {
+ date = rangeEnd
+ ? dt.setMonth(dt.getMonth() + 1, 0)
+ : dt.setDate(1);
+ } else {
+ date = rangeEnd
+ ? dt.setFullYear(dt.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 0)
+ : dt.setMonth(0, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (
+ (0, utils/* isInRange */.mh)(date, config.minDate, config.maxDate)
+ && !dates.includes(date)
+ && !config.datesDisabled.includes(date)
+ && !config.daysOfWeekDisabled.includes(new Date(date).getDay())
+ ) {
+ dates.push(date);
+ }
+ return dates;
+ }, []);
+ if (newDates.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (config.multidate && !clear) {
+ // get the synmetric difference between origDates and newDates
+ newDates = newDates.reduce((dates, date) => {
+ if (!origDates.includes(date)) {
+ dates.push(date);
+ }
+ return dates;
+ }, origDates.filter(date => !newDates.includes(date)));
+ }
+ // do length check always because user can input multiple dates regardless of the mode
+ return config.maxNumberOfDates && newDates.length > config.maxNumberOfDates
+ ? newDates.slice(config.maxNumberOfDates * -1)
+ : newDates;
+ }
+// refresh the UI elements
+// modes: 1: input only, 2, picker only, 3 both
+ function refreshUI(datepicker, mode = 3, quickRender = true) {
+ const {config, picker, inputField} = datepicker;
+ if (mode & 2) {
+ const newView = picker.active ? config.pickLevel : config.startView;
+ picker.update().changeView(newView).render(quickRender);
+ }
+ if (mode & 1 && inputField) {
+ inputField.value = stringifyDates(datepicker.dates, config);
+ }
+ }
+ function setDate(datepicker, inputDates, options) {
+ let {clear, render, autohide} = options;
+ if (render === undefined) {
+ render = true;
+ }
+ if (!render) {
+ autohide = false;
+ } else if (autohide === undefined) {
+ autohide = datepicker.config.autohide;
+ }
+ const newDates = processInputDates(datepicker, inputDates, clear);
+ if (!newDates) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (newDates.toString() !== datepicker.dates.toString()) {
+ datepicker.dates = newDates;
+ refreshUI(datepicker, render ? 3 : 1);
+ triggerDatepickerEvent(datepicker, 'changeDate');
+ } else {
+ refreshUI(datepicker, 1);
+ }
+ if (autohide) {
+ datepicker.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Class representing a date picker
+ */
+ class Datepicker {
+ /**
+ * Create a date picker
+ * @param {Element} element - element to bind a date picker
+ * @param {Object} [options] - config options
+ * @param {DateRangePicker} [rangepicker] - DateRangePicker instance the
+ * date picker belongs to. Use this only when creating date picker as a part
+ * of date range picker
+ */
+ constructor(element, options = {}, rangepicker = undefined) {
+ element.datepicker = this;
+ this.element = element;
+ // set up config
+ const config = this.config = Object.assign({
+ buttonClass: (options.buttonClass && String(options.buttonClass)) || 'button',
+ container: document.body,
+ defaultViewDate: (0, lib_date/* today */.Lg)(),
+ maxDate: undefined,
+ minDate: undefined,
+ }, processOptions(options_defaultOptions, this));
+ this._options = options;
+ Object.assign(config, processOptions(options, this));
+ // configure by type
+ const inline = this.inline = element.tagName !== 'INPUT';
+ let inputField;
+ let initialDates;
+ if (inline) {
+ config.container = element;
+ initialDates = (0, utils/* stringToArray */.W7)(element.dataset.date, config.dateDelimiter);
+ delete element.dataset.date;
+ } else {
+ const container = options.container ? document.querySelector(options.container) : null;
+ if (container) {
+ config.container = container;
+ }
+ inputField = this.inputField = element;
+ inputField.classList.add('datepicker-input');
+ initialDates = (0, utils/* stringToArray */.W7)(inputField.value, config.dateDelimiter);
+ }
+ if (rangepicker) {
+ // check validiry
+ const index = rangepicker.inputs.indexOf(inputField);
+ const datepickers = rangepicker.datepickers;
+ if (index < 0 || index > 1 || !Array.isArray(datepickers)) {
+ throw Error('Invalid rangepicker object.');
+ }
+ // attach itaelf to the rangepicker here so that processInputDates() can
+ // determine if this is the range-end picker of the rangepicker while
+ // setting inital values when pickLevel > 0
+ datepickers[index] = this;
+ // add getter for rangepicker
+ Object.defineProperty(this, 'rangepicker', {
+ get() {
+ return rangepicker;
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ // set initial dates
+ this.dates = [];
+ // process initial value
+ const inputDateValues = processInputDates(this, initialDates);
+ if (inputDateValues && inputDateValues.length > 0) {
+ this.dates = inputDateValues;
+ }
+ if (inputField) {
+ inputField.value = stringifyDates(this.dates, config);
+ }
+ const picker = this.picker = new Picker(this);
+ if (inline) {
+ this.show();
+ } else {
+ // set up event listeners in other modes
+ const onMousedownDocument = onClickOutside.bind(null, this);
+ const listeners = [
+ [inputField, 'keydown', onKeydown.bind(null, this)],
+ [inputField, 'focus', onFocus.bind(null, this)],
+ [inputField, 'mousedown', onMousedown.bind(null, this)],
+ [inputField, 'click', onClickInput.bind(null, this)],
+ [inputField, 'paste', onPaste.bind(null, this)],
+ [document, 'mousedown', onMousedownDocument],
+ [document, 'touchstart', onMousedownDocument],
+ [window, 'resize', picker.place.bind(picker)]
+ ];
+ (0, lib_event/* registerListeners */.cF)(this, listeners);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Format Date object or time value in given format and language
+ * @param {Date|Number} date - date or time value to format
+ * @param {String|Object} format - format string or object that contains
+ * toDisplay() custom formatter, whose signature is
+ * - args:
+ * - date: {Date} - Date instance of the date passed to the method
+ * - format: {Object} - the format object passed to the method
+ * - locale: {Object} - locale for the language specified by `lang`
+ * - return:
+ * {String} formatted date
+ * @param {String} [lang=en] - language code for the locale to use
+ * @return {String} formatted date
+ */
+ static formatDate(date, format, lang) {
+ return (0, date_format/* formatDate */.p6)(date, format, lang && locales[lang] || locales.en);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse date string
+ * @param {String|Date|Number} dateStr - date string, Date object or time
+ * value to parse
+ * @param {String|Object} format - format string or object that contains
+ * toValue() custom parser, whose signature is
+ * - args:
+ * - dateStr: {String|Date|Number} - the dateStr passed to the method
+ * - format: {Object} - the format object passed to the method
+ * - locale: {Object} - locale for the language specified by `lang`
+ * - return:
+ * {Date|Number} parsed date or its time value
+ * @param {String} [lang=en] - language code for the locale to use
+ * @return {Number} time value of parsed date
+ */
+ static parseDate(dateStr, format, lang) {
+ return (0, date_format/* parseDate */.sG)(dateStr, format, lang && locales[lang] || locales.en);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @type {Object} - Installed locales in `[languageCode]: localeObject` format
+ * en`:_English (US)_ is pre-installed.
+ */
+ static get locales() {
+ return locales;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @type {Boolean} - Whether the picker element is shown. `true` whne shown
+ */
+ get active() {
+ return !!(this.picker && this.picker.active);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @type {HTMLDivElement} - DOM object of picker element
+ */
+ get pickerElement() {
+ return this.picker ? this.picker.element : undefined;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set new values to the config options
+ * @param {Object} options - config options to update
+ */
+ setOptions(options) {
+ const picker = this.picker;
+ const newOptions = processOptions(options, this);
+ Object.assign(this._options, options);
+ Object.assign(this.config, newOptions);
+ picker.setOptions(newOptions);
+ refreshUI(this, 3);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Show the picker element
+ */
+ show() {
+ if (this.inputField) {
+ if (this.inputField.disabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.inputField !== document.activeElement) {
+ this._showing = true;
+ this.inputField.focus();
+ delete this._showing;
+ }
+ }
+ this.picker.show();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Hide the picker element
+ * Not available on inline picker
+ */
+ hide() {
+ if (this.inline) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.picker.hide();
+ this.picker.update().changeView(this.config.startView).render();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Destroy the Datepicker instance
+ * @return {Detepicker} - the instance destroyed
+ */
+ destroy() {
+ this.hide();
+ (0, lib_event/* unregisterListeners */.uV)(this);
+ this.picker.detach();
+ if (!this.inline) {
+ this.inputField.classList.remove('datepicker-input');
+ }
+ delete this.element.datepicker;
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get the selected date(s)
+ *
+ * The method returns a Date object of selected date by default, and returns
+ * an array of selected dates in multidate mode. If format string is passed,
+ * it returns date string(s) formatted in given format.
+ *
+ * @param {String} [format] - Format string to stringify the date(s)
+ * @return {Date|String|Date[]|String[]} - selected date(s), or if none is
+ * selected, empty array in multidate mode and untitled in sigledate mode
+ */
+ getDate(format = undefined) {
+ const callback = format
+ ? date => (0, date_format/* formatDate */.p6)(date, format, this.config.locale)
+ : date => new Date(date);
+ if (this.config.multidate) {
+ return this.dates.map(callback);
+ }
+ if (this.dates.length > 0) {
+ return callback(this.dates[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set selected date(s)
+ *
+ * In multidate mode, you can pass multiple dates as a series of arguments
+ * or an array. (Since each date is parsed individually, the type of the
+ * dates doesn't have to be the same.)
+ * The given dates are used to toggle the select status of each date. The
+ * number of selected dates is kept from exceeding the length set to
+ * maxNumberOfDates.
+ *
+ * With clear: true option, the method can be used to clear the selection
+ * and to replace the selection instead of toggling in multidate mode.
+ * If the option is passed with no date arguments or an empty dates array,
+ * it works as "clear" (clear the selection then set nothing), and if the
+ * option is passed with new dates to select, it works as "replace" (clear
+ * the selection then set the given dates)
+ *
+ * When render: false option is used, the method omits re-rendering the
+ * picker element. In this case, you need to call refresh() method later in
+ * order for the picker element to reflect the changes. The input field is
+ * refreshed always regardless of this option.
+ *
+ * When invalid (unparsable, repeated, disabled or out-of-range) dates are
+ * passed, the method ignores them and applies only valid ones. In the case
+ * that all the given dates are invalid, which is distinguished from passing
+ * no dates, the method considers it as an error and leaves the selection
+ * untouched.
+ *
+ * @param {...(Date|Number|String)|Array} [dates] - Date strings, Date
+ * objects, time values or mix of those for new selection
+ * @param {Object} [options] - function options
+ * - clear: {boolean} - Whether to clear the existing selection
+ * defualt: false
+ * - render: {boolean} - Whether to re-render the picker element
+ * default: true
+ * - autohide: {boolean} - Whether to hide the picker element after re-render
+ * Ignored when used with render: false
+ * default: config.autohide
+ */
+ setDate(...args) {
+ const dates = [...args];
+ const opts = {};
+ const lastArg = (0, utils/* lastItemOf */.Jm)(args);
+ if (
+ typeof lastArg === 'object'
+ && !Array.isArray(lastArg)
+ && !(lastArg instanceof Date)
+ && lastArg
+ ) {
+ Object.assign(opts, dates.pop());
+ }
+ const inputDates = Array.isArray(dates[0]) ? dates[0] : dates;
+ setDate(this, inputDates, opts);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Update the selected date(s) with input field's value
+ * Not available on inline picker
+ *
+ * The input field will be refreshed with properly formatted date string.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} [options] - function options
+ * - autohide: {boolean} - whether to hide the picker element after refresh
+ * default: false
+ */
+ update(options = undefined) {
+ if (this.inline) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const opts = {clear: true, autohide: !!(options && options.autohide)};
+ const inputDates = (0, utils/* stringToArray */.W7)(this.inputField.value, this.config.dateDelimiter);
+ setDate(this, inputDates, opts);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Refresh the picker element and the associated input field
+ * @param {String} [target] - target item when refreshing one item only
+ * 'picker' or 'input'
+ * @param {Boolean} [forceRender] - whether to re-render the picker element
+ * regardless of its state instead of optimized refresh
+ */
+ refresh(target = undefined, forceRender = false) {
+ if (target && typeof target !== 'string') {
+ forceRender = target;
+ target = undefined;
+ }
+ let mode;
+ if (target === 'picker') {
+ mode = 2;
+ } else if (target === 'input') {
+ mode = 1;
+ } else {
+ mode = 3;
+ }
+ refreshUI(this, mode, !forceRender);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enter edit mode
+ * Not available on inline picker or when the picker element is hidden
+ */
+ enterEditMode() {
+ if (this.inline || !this.picker.active || this.editMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.editMode = true;
+ this.inputField.classList.add('in-edit', 'border-blue-700');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Exit from edit mode
+ * Not available on inline picker
+ * @param {Object} [options] - function options
+ * - update: {boolean} - whether to call update() after exiting
+ * If false, input field is revert to the existing selection
+ * default: false
+ */
+ exitEditMode(options = undefined) {
+ if (this.inline || !this.editMode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const opts = Object.assign({update: false}, options);
+ delete this.editMode;
+ this.inputField.classList.remove('in-edit', 'border-blue-700');
+ if (opts.update) {
+ this.update(opts);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***/
+ }),
+ /***/ 963:
+ /***/ (function (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
+ /* harmony export */
+ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+ /* harmony export */ "CL": function () {
+ return /* binding */ reFormatTokens;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "p6": function () {
+ return /* binding */ formatDate;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "sG": function () {
+ return /* binding */ parseDate;
+ }
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ /* unused harmony export reNonDateParts */
+ /* harmony import */
+ var _date_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(560);
+ /* harmony import */
+ var _utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(105);
+// pattern for format parts
+ const reFormatTokens = /dd?|DD?|mm?|MM?|yy?(?:yy)?/;
+// pattern for non date parts
+ const reNonDateParts = /[\s!-/:-@[-`{-~年月日]+/;
+// cache for persed formats
+ let knownFormats = {};
+// parse funtions for date parts
+ const parseFns = {
+ y(date, year) {
+ return new Date(date).setFullYear(parseInt(year, 10));
+ },
+ m(date, month, locale) {
+ const newDate = new Date(date);
+ let monthIndex = parseInt(month, 10) - 1;
+ if (isNaN(monthIndex)) {
+ if (!month) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ const monthName = month.toLowerCase();
+ const compareNames = name => name.toLowerCase().startsWith(monthName);
+ // compare with both short and full names because some locales have periods
+ // in the short names (not equal to the first X letters of the full names)
+ monthIndex = locale.monthsShort.findIndex(compareNames);
+ if (monthIndex < 0) {
+ monthIndex = locale.months.findIndex(compareNames);
+ }
+ if (monthIndex < 0) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ }
+ newDate.setMonth(monthIndex);
+ return newDate.getMonth() !== normalizeMonth(monthIndex)
+ ? newDate.setDate(0)
+ : newDate.getTime();
+ },
+ d(date, day) {
+ return new Date(date).setDate(parseInt(day, 10));
+ },
+ };
+// format functions for date parts
+ const formatFns = {
+ d(date) {
+ return date.getDate();
+ },
+ dd(date) {
+ return padZero(date.getDate(), 2);
+ },
+ D(date, locale) {
+ return locale.daysShort[date.getDay()];
+ },
+ DD(date, locale) {
+ return locale.days[date.getDay()];
+ },
+ m(date) {
+ return date.getMonth() + 1;
+ },
+ mm(date) {
+ return padZero(date.getMonth() + 1, 2);
+ },
+ M(date, locale) {
+ return locale.monthsShort[date.getMonth()];
+ },
+ MM(date, locale) {
+ return locale.months[date.getMonth()];
+ },
+ y(date) {
+ return date.getFullYear();
+ },
+ yy(date) {
+ return padZero(date.getFullYear(), 2).slice(-2);
+ },
+ yyyy(date) {
+ return padZero(date.getFullYear(), 4);
+ },
+ };
+// get month index in normal range (0 - 11) from any number
+ function normalizeMonth(monthIndex) {
+ return monthIndex > -1 ? monthIndex % 12 : normalizeMonth(monthIndex + 12);
+ }
+ function padZero(num, length) {
+ return num.toString().padStart(length, '0');
+ }
+ function parseFormatString(format) {
+ if (typeof format !== 'string') {
+ throw new Error("Invalid date format.");
+ }
+ if (format in knownFormats) {
+ return knownFormats[format];
+ }
+ // sprit the format string into parts and seprators
+ const separators = format.split(reFormatTokens);
+ const parts = format.match(new RegExp(reFormatTokens, 'g'));
+ if (separators.length === 0 || !parts) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid date format.");
+ }
+ // collect format functions used in the format
+ const partFormatters = parts.map(token => formatFns[token]);
+ // collect parse function keys used in the format
+ // iterate over parseFns' keys in order to keep the order of the keys.
+ const partParserKeys = Object.keys(parseFns).reduce((keys, key) => {
+ const token = parts.find(part => part[0] !== 'D' && part[0].toLowerCase() === key);
+ if (token) {
+ keys.push(key);
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }, []);
+ return knownFormats[format] = {
+ parser(dateStr, locale) {
+ const dateParts = dateStr.split(reNonDateParts).reduce((dtParts, part, index) => {
+ if (part.length > 0 && parts[index]) {
+ const token = parts[index][0];
+ if (token === 'M') {
+ dtParts.m = part;
+ } else if (token !== 'D') {
+ dtParts[token] = part;
+ }
+ }
+ return dtParts;
+ }, {});
+ // iterate over partParserkeys so that the parsing is made in the oder
+ // of year, month and day to prevent the day parser from correcting last
+ // day of month wrongly
+ return partParserKeys.reduce((origDate, key) => {
+ const newDate = parseFns[key](origDate, dateParts[key], locale);
+ // ingnore the part failed to parse
+ return isNaN(newDate) ? origDate : newDate;
+ }, (0, _date_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .today */.Lg)());
+ },
+ formatter(date, locale) {
+ let dateStr = partFormatters.reduce((str, fn, index) => {
+ return str += `${separators[index]}${fn(date, locale)}`;
+ }, '');
+ // separators' length is always parts' length + 1,
+ return dateStr += (0, _utils_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__/* .lastItemOf */.Jm)(separators);
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ function parseDate(dateStr, format, locale) {
+ if (dateStr instanceof Date || typeof dateStr === 'number') {
+ const date = (0, _date_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .stripTime */.xR)(dateStr);
+ return isNaN(date) ? undefined : date;
+ }
+ if (!dateStr) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if (dateStr === 'today') {
+ return (0, _date_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .today */.Lg)();
+ }
+ if (format && format.toValue) {
+ const date = format.toValue(dateStr, format, locale);
+ return isNaN(date) ? undefined : (0, _date_js__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* .stripTime */.xR)(date);
+ }
+ return parseFormatString(format).parser(dateStr, locale);
+ }
+ function formatDate(date, format, locale) {
+ if (isNaN(date) || (!date && date !== 0)) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ const dateObj = typeof date === 'number' ? new Date(date) : date;
+ if (format.toDisplay) {
+ return format.toDisplay(dateObj, format, locale);
+ }
+ return parseFormatString(format).formatter(dateObj, locale);
+ }
+ /***/
+ }),
+ /***/ 560:
+ /***/ (function (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
+ /* harmony export */
+ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+ /* harmony export */ "Bc": function () {
+ return /* binding */ addYears;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "E4": function () {
+ return /* binding */ addDays;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "Lg": function () {
+ return /* binding */ today;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "Qk": function () {
+ return /* binding */ getWeek;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "ak": function () {
+ return /* binding */ startOfYearPeriod;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "by": function () {
+ return /* binding */ dateValue;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "fr": function () {
+ return /* binding */ dayOfTheWeekOf;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "jh": function () {
+ return /* binding */ addWeeks;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "xR": function () {
+ return /* binding */ stripTime;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "zI": function () {
+ return /* binding */ addMonths;
+ }
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ function stripTime(timeValue) {
+ return new Date(timeValue).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ function today() {
+ return new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+// Get the time value of the start of given date or year, month and day
+ function dateValue(...args) {
+ switch (args.length) {
+ case 0:
+ return today();
+ case 1:
+ return stripTime(args[0]);
+ }
+ // use setFullYear() to keep 2-digit year from being mapped to 1900-1999
+ const newDate = new Date(0);
+ newDate.setFullYear(...args);
+ return newDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ function addDays(date, amount) {
+ const newDate = new Date(date);
+ return newDate.setDate(newDate.getDate() + amount);
+ }
+ function addWeeks(date, amount) {
+ return addDays(date, amount * 7);
+ }
+ function addMonths(date, amount) {
+ // If the day of the date is not in the new month, the last day of the new
+ // month will be returned. e.g. Jan 31 + 1 month → Feb 28 (not Mar 03)
+ const newDate = new Date(date);
+ const monthsToSet = newDate.getMonth() + amount;
+ let expectedMonth = monthsToSet % 12;
+ if (expectedMonth < 0) {
+ expectedMonth += 12;
+ }
+ const time = newDate.setMonth(monthsToSet);
+ return newDate.getMonth() !== expectedMonth ? newDate.setDate(0) : time;
+ }
+ function addYears(date, amount) {
+ // If the date is Feb 29 and the new year is not a leap year, Feb 28 of the
+ // new year will be returned.
+ const newDate = new Date(date);
+ const expectedMonth = newDate.getMonth();
+ const time = newDate.setFullYear(newDate.getFullYear() + amount);
+ return expectedMonth === 1 && newDate.getMonth() === 2 ? newDate.setDate(0) : time;
+ }
+// Calculate the distance bettwen 2 days of the week
+ function dayDiff(day, from) {
+ return (day - from + 7) % 7;
+ }
+// Get the date of the specified day of the week of given base date
+ function dayOfTheWeekOf(baseDate, dayOfWeek, weekStart = 0) {
+ const baseDay = new Date(baseDate).getDay();
+ return addDays(baseDate, dayDiff(dayOfWeek, weekStart) - dayDiff(baseDay, weekStart));
+ }
+// Get the ISO week of a date
+ function getWeek(date) {
+ // start of ISO week is Monday
+ const thuOfTheWeek = dayOfTheWeekOf(date, 4, 1);
+ // 1st week == the week where the 4th of January is in
+ const firstThu = dayOfTheWeekOf(new Date(thuOfTheWeek).setMonth(0, 4), 4, 1);
+ return Math.round((thuOfTheWeek - firstThu) / 604800000) + 1;
+ }
+// Get the start year of the period of years that includes given date
+// years: length of the year period
+ function startOfYearPeriod(date, years) {
+ /* @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_zero#ISO_8601 */
+ const year = new Date(date).getFullYear();
+ return Math.floor(year / years) * years;
+ }
+ /***/
+ }),
+ /***/ 698:
+ /***/ (function (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
+ /* harmony export */
+ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+ /* harmony export */ "He": function () {
+ return /* binding */ findElementInEventPath;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "cF": function () {
+ return /* binding */ registerListeners;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "uV": function () {
+ return /* binding */ unregisterListeners;
+ }
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ const listenerRegistry = new WeakMap();
+ const {addEventListener, removeEventListener} = EventTarget.prototype;
+// Register event listeners to a key object
+// listeners: array of listener definitions;
+// - each definition must be a flat array of event target and the arguments
+// used to call addEventListener() on the target
+ function registerListeners(keyObj, listeners) {
+ let registered = listenerRegistry.get(keyObj);
+ if (!registered) {
+ registered = [];
+ listenerRegistry.set(keyObj, registered);
+ }
+ listeners.forEach((listener) => {
+ addEventListener.call(...listener);
+ registered.push(listener);
+ });
+ }
+ function unregisterListeners(keyObj) {
+ let listeners = listenerRegistry.get(keyObj);
+ if (!listeners) {
+ return;
+ }
+ listeners.forEach((listener) => {
+ removeEventListener.call(...listener);
+ });
+ listenerRegistry.delete(keyObj);
+ }
+// Event.composedPath() polyfill for Edge
+// based on https://gist.github.com/kleinfreund/e9787d73776c0e3750dcfcdc89f100ec
+ if (!Event.prototype.composedPath) {
+ const getComposedPath = (node, path = []) => {
+ path.push(node);
+ let parent;
+ if (node.parentNode) {
+ parent = node.parentNode;
+ } else if (node.host) { // ShadowRoot
+ parent = node.host;
+ } else if (node.defaultView) { // Document
+ parent = node.defaultView;
+ }
+ return parent ? getComposedPath(parent, path) : path;
+ };
+ Event.prototype.composedPath = function () {
+ return getComposedPath(this.target);
+ };
+ }
+ function findFromPath(path, criteria, currentTarget, index = 0) {
+ const el = path[index];
+ if (criteria(el)) {
+ return el;
+ } else if (el === currentTarget || !el.parentElement) {
+ // stop when reaching currentTarget or
+ return;
+ }
+ return findFromPath(path, criteria, currentTarget, index + 1);
+ }
+// Search for the actual target of a delegated event
+ function findElementInEventPath(ev, selector) {
+ const criteria = typeof selector === 'function' ? selector : el => el.matches(selector);
+ return findFromPath(ev.composedPath(), criteria, ev.currentTarget);
+ }
+ /***/
+ }),
+ /***/ 105:
+ /***/ (function (__unused_webpack_module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {
+ /* harmony export */
+ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+ /* harmony export */ "$C": function () {
+ return /* binding */ pushUnique;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "Jm": function () {
+ return /* binding */ lastItemOf;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "W7": function () {
+ return /* binding */ stringToArray;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "em": function () {
+ return /* binding */ createTagRepeat;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "jG": function () {
+ return /* binding */ limitToRange;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "l$": function () {
+ return /* binding */ hasProperty;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "mh": function () {
+ return /* binding */ isInRange;
+ },
+ /* harmony export */ "zh": function () {
+ return /* binding */ optimizeTemplateHTML;
+ }
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ function hasProperty(obj, prop) {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
+ }
+ function lastItemOf(arr) {
+ return arr[arr.length - 1];
+ }
+// push only the items not included in the array
+ function pushUnique(arr, ...items) {
+ items.forEach((item) => {
+ if (arr.includes(item)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ arr.push(item);
+ });
+ return arr;
+ }
+ function stringToArray(str, separator) {
+ // convert empty string to an empty array
+ return str ? str.split(separator) : [];
+ }
+ function isInRange(testVal, min, max) {
+ const minOK = min === undefined || testVal >= min;
+ const maxOK = max === undefined || testVal <= max;
+ return minOK && maxOK;
+ }
+ function limitToRange(val, min, max) {
+ if (val < min) {
+ return min;
+ }
+ if (val > max) {
+ return max;
+ }
+ return val;
+ }
+ function createTagRepeat(tagName, repeat, attributes = {}, index = 0, html = '') {
+ const openTagSrc = Object.keys(attributes).reduce((src, attr) => {
+ let val = attributes[attr];
+ if (typeof val === 'function') {
+ val = val(index);
+ }
+ return `${src} ${attr}="${val}"`;
+ }, tagName);
+ html += `<${openTagSrc}>${tagName}>`;
+ const next = index + 1;
+ return next < repeat
+ ? createTagRepeat(tagName, repeat, attributes, next, html)
+ : html;
+ }
+// Remove the spacing surrounding tags for HTML parser not to create text nodes
+// before/after elements
+ function optimizeTemplateHTML(html) {
+ return html.replace(/>\s+/g, '>').replace(/\s+, '<');
+ }
+ /***/
+ }),
+ /***/ 947:
+ /***/ (function (__unused_webpack_module, exports) {
+ var __webpack_unused_export__;
+ __webpack_unused_export__ = ({value: true});
+ var Events = /** @class */ (function () {
+ function Events(eventType, eventFunctions) {
+ if (eventFunctions === void 0) {
+ eventFunctions = [];
+ }
+ this._eventType = eventType;
+ this._eventFunctions = eventFunctions;
+ }
+ Events.prototype.init = function () {
+ var _this = this;
+ this._eventFunctions.forEach(function (eventFunction) {
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+ window.addEventListener(_this._eventType, eventFunction);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ return Events;
+ }());
+ exports["default"] = Events;
+ /***/
+ })
+ /******/
+ });
+ /************************************************************************/
+ /******/ // The module cache
+ /******/
+ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
+ /******/
+ /******/ // The require function
+ /******/
+ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+ /******/ // Check if module is in cache
+ /******/
+ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
+ /******/
+ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
+ /******/
+ return cachedModule.exports;
+ /******/
+ }
+ /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+ /******/
+ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
+ /******/ // no module.id needed
+ /******/ // no module.loaded needed
+ /******/ exports: {}
+ /******/
+ };
+ /******/
+ /******/ // Execute the module function
+ /******/
+ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+ /******/
+ /******/ // Return the exports of the module
+ /******/
+ return module.exports;
+ /******/
+ }
+ /******/
+ /************************************************************************/
+ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
+ /******/
+ !function () {
+ /******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
+ /******/
+ __webpack_require__.d = function (exports, definition) {
+ /******/
+ for (var key in definition) {
+ /******/
+ if (__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
+ /******/
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {enumerable: true, get: definition[key]});
+ /******/
+ }
+ /******/
+ }
+ /******/
+ };
+ /******/
+ }();
+ /******/
+ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
+ /******/
+ !function () {
+ /******/
+ __webpack_require__.o = function (obj, prop) {
+ return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
+ }
+ /******/
+ }();
+ /******/
+ /******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
+ /******/
+ !function () {
+ /******/ // define __esModule on exports
+ /******/
+ __webpack_require__.r = function (exports) {
+ /******/
+ if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) {
+ /******/
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, {value: 'Module'});
+ /******/
+ }
+ /******/
+ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {value: true});
+ /******/
+ };
+ /******/
+ }();
+ /******/
+ /************************************************************************/
+ var __webpack_exports__ = {};
+// This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be isolated against other modules in the chunk.
+ !function () {
+ __webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);
+ /* harmony export */
+ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
+ /* harmony export */ "initDatepickers": function () {
+ return /* binding */ initDatepickers;
+ }
+ /* harmony export */
+ });
+ /* harmony import */
+ var flowbite_datepicker_Datepicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(770);
+ /* harmony import */
+ var flowbite_datepicker_DateRangePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(482);
+ /* harmony import */
+ var _dom_events__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(947);
+ var getDatepickerOptions = function getDatepickerOptions(datepickerEl) {
+ var buttons = datepickerEl.hasAttribute('datepicker-buttons');
+ var autohide = datepickerEl.hasAttribute('datepicker-autohide');
+ var format = datepickerEl.hasAttribute('datepicker-format');
+ var orientation = datepickerEl.hasAttribute('datepicker-orientation');
+ var title = datepickerEl.hasAttribute('datepicker-title');
+ var options = {};
+ if (buttons) {
+ options.todayBtn = true;
+ options.clearBtn = true;
+ }
+ if (autohide) {
+ options.autohide = true;
+ }
+ if (format) {
+ options.format = datepickerEl.getAttribute('datepicker-format');
+ }
+ if (orientation) {
+ options.orientation = datepickerEl.getAttribute('datepicker-orientation');
+ }
+ if (title) {
+ options.title = datepickerEl.getAttribute('datepicker-title');
+ }
+ return options;
+ };
+ function initDatepickers() {
+ document.querySelectorAll('[datepicker]').forEach(function (datepickerEl) {
+ new flowbite_datepicker_Datepicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* ["default"] */ .Z(datepickerEl, getDatepickerOptions(datepickerEl));
+ });
+ document.querySelectorAll('[inline-datepicker]').forEach(function (datepickerEl) {
+ new flowbite_datepicker_Datepicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__/* ["default"] */ .Z(datepickerEl, getDatepickerOptions(datepickerEl));
+ });
+ document.querySelectorAll('[date-rangepicker]').forEach(function (datepickerEl) {
+ new flowbite_datepicker_DateRangePicker__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__/* ["default"] */ .Z(datepickerEl, getDatepickerOptions(datepickerEl));
+ });
+ }
+ var events = new _dom_events__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__["default"]('DOMContentLoaded', [initDatepickers]);
+ events.init();
+ }();
+ /******/
+ return __webpack_exports__;
+ /******/
+ })()
+ ;
+//# sourceMappingURL=datepicker.js.map
diff --git a/resources/views/console/friends-link/edit.blade.php b/resources/views/console/friends-link/edit.blade.php
index a47ffd4..8898e57 100644
--- a/resources/views/console/friends-link/edit.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/console/friends-link/edit.blade.php
@@ -347,12 +347,6 @@ class="z-[9999] fixed top-5 left-5 hidden items-center w-full max-w-xs p-4 space
diff --git a/resources/views/console/modules/aside.blade.php b/resources/views/console/modules/aside.blade.php
index 56d7942..5e5b90d 100644
--- a/resources/views/console/modules/aside.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/console/modules/aside.blade.php
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ class="flex items-center w-full p-2 text-gray-900 transition duration-75 rounded
diff --git a/resources/views/console/sponsor/dashboard.blade.php b/resources/views/console/sponsor/dashboard.blade.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9762ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/views/console/sponsor/dashboard.blade.php
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ @include('modules.head')
+ {!! $webHeader !!}
+ @include('console.modules.personal')
+ @if(!empty($sponsor[0]['id']))
+ @foreach($sponsor as $value)
+ -
+ {{ $value['name'] }}
+ {{ $value['time'] }}
+ {{ $sponsorType[$value['type']]['name'] }}
+ {{ $value['money'] }} CNY
+ @if($value['type'] == 5)
+ @else
+ @endif
+ @endforeach
+ @endif
+ 赞助方式列表
+ 今年({{ date('Y') }})收款 {{ $sponsorCountYear }} 元
+ 总计金额 {{ $sponsorCount }} 元
+ 目前站长收到了 {{ $sponsorCountNumber }} 份赞助
+ Message sent successfully.
+ 新增赞助
diff --git a/resources/views/console/sponsor/edit.blade.php b/resources/views/console/sponsor/edit.blade.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63ea408
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/views/console/sponsor/edit.blade.php
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+ @include('modules.head')
+ {!! $webHeader !!}
+ @include('console.modules.personal')
+ Message sent successfully.
diff --git a/resources/views/console/sponsor/mode.blade.php b/resources/views/console/sponsor/mode.blade.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60fc5fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/views/console/sponsor/mode.blade.php
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+ @include('modules.head')
+ {!! $webHeader !!}
+ @include('console.modules.personal')
+ 别名 |
+ 计入收入 |
+ 跳转(链接) |
+ 修改时间 |
+ 操作 |
+ @php $i = 0; @endphp
+ @foreach($sponsorType as $value)
+ {{ $value->name }}
+ |
+ @if($value->include)
+ @else
+ @endif
+ |
+ @if($value->link)
+ @else
+ @endif
+ |
+ @if($value->updated_at === null)
+ 暂无修改
+ @else
+ {{ $value->updated_at }}
+ @endif
+ |
+ @if($value->id > 5)
+ @else
+ @endif
+ |
+ @php $i ++; @endphp
+ @endforeach
+ 返回赞助列表
+ 当前分类有 {{ $sponsorTypeCount }} 个
+ Message sent successfully.
+ 新增赞助方式
+ 赞助方式修改
diff --git a/resources/views/function/sponsor.blade.php b/resources/views/function/sponsor.blade.php
index b3d9bbc..55a21e6 100644
--- a/resources/views/function/sponsor.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/function/sponsor.blade.php
@@ -1 +1,188 @@
+ @include('modules.head')
+ {!! $webHeader !!}
+ @include('modules.navbar')
+ @csrf
{{ $sqlAuthor }}
{{ $webDescription }}
+ 今年({{ date('Y') }})收款 {{ $sponsorCountYear }} 元
+ 总计金额 {{ $sponsorCount }} 元
+ 目前站长收到了 {{ $sponsorCountNumber }} 份赞助
+ @if($sponsor[0] != null)
+ @foreach($sponsor as $value)
+ -
+ @if(!empty($value['url']))
+ {{ $value['name'] }}
+ @else
+ {{ $value['name'] }}
+ @endif
+ @endforeach
+ @endif
+ @include('modules.footer')
+ 赞助说明
+ {!! $sponsorInfo !!}
+ 赞助方法
+{!! $webFooter !!}
diff --git a/resources/views/modules/navbar.blade.php b/resources/views/modules/navbar.blade.php
index 39b1f56..f5c05a1 100644
--- a/resources/views/modules/navbar.blade.php
+++ b/resources/views/modules/navbar.blade.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
diff --git a/routes/api.php b/routes/api.php
index a207354..838f41a 100644
--- a/routes/api.php
+++ b/routes/api.php
@@ -7,7 +7,9 @@
use App\Http\Controllers\Authme;
use App\Http\Controllers\Console\Link as ConsoleLink;
+use App\Http\Controllers\Console\Sponsor as ConsoleSponsor;
use App\Http\Controllers\Function\Link;
+use App\Http\Controllers\Function\Sponsor;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
@@ -25,9 +27,9 @@
// 登陆类
Route::prefix('auth')->group(function () {
- Route::post('login',[Authme::class,'Login'])->name('api.auth.login');
- Route::post('register',[Authme::class,'Register'])->name('api.auth.register');
- Route::match(['get','post'],'logout',function () {
+ Route::post('login', [Authme::class, 'Login'])->name('api.auth.login');
+ Route::post('register', [Authme::class, 'Register'])->name('api.auth.register');
+ Route::match(['get', 'post'], 'logout', function () {
return Response::redirectTo('');
@@ -46,7 +48,21 @@
Route::post('add', [Link::class, 'apiCustomAdd'])->name('api.link.custom.add');
Route::post('edit/{friendId}', [Link::class, 'apiCustomEdit'])->name('api.link.custom.edit');
Route::get('search', [Link::class, 'apiCustomSearch'])->name('api.link.custom.search');
- Route::post('blogCheck',[Link::class,'apiCustomBlogCheck'])->name('api.link.custom.blogCheck');
- Route::post('blogVerify',[Link::class,'apiCustomBlogVerify'])->name('api.link.custom.blogVerify');
+ Route::post('blogCheck', [Link::class, 'apiCustomBlogCheck'])->name('api.link.custom.blogCheck');
+ Route::post('blogVerify', [Link::class, 'apiCustomBlogVerify'])->name('api.link.custom.blogVerify');
+ });
+Route::prefix('sponsor')->group(function () {
+ Route::get('get-type', [Sponsor::class, 'apiSponsorType'])->name('api.sponsor.get-type');
+ Route::post('add', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiAdd'])->name('api.sponsor.add');
+ Route::post('edit/{sponsorId}', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiEdit'])->name('api.sponsor.edit');
+ Route::post('delete/{sponsorId}', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiDelete'])->name('api.sponsor.delete');
+ Route::prefix('type')->group(function () {
+ Route::post('add', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiTypeAdd'])->name('api.sponsor.type.add');
+ Route::post('edit/{typeId}', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiTypeEdit'])->name('api.sponsor.type.edit-number');
+ Route::post('edit', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiTypeEdit'])->name('api.sponsor.type.edit');
+ Route::post('delete/{typeId}', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiTypeDelete'])->name('api.sponsor.type.delete');
+ Route::get('select/{typeId}', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'apiTypeSelect'])->name('api.sponsor.type.select');
diff --git a/routes/web.php b/routes/web.php
index b7a34ac..ba2c576 100644
--- a/routes/web.php
+++ b/routes/web.php
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@
use App\Http\Controllers\Console\Dashboard;
use App\Http\Controllers\Console\Link as ConsoleLink;
+use App\Http\Controllers\Console\Sponsor as ConsoleSponsor;
+use App\Http\Controllers\DataBase;
use App\Http\Controllers\Function\Link as UserLink;
+use App\Http\Controllers\Function\Sponsor;
use App\Http\Controllers\Index;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
@@ -28,7 +31,7 @@
Route::get('about', [Index::class, 'ViewAboutMe'])->name('about');
Route::get('404', [Index::class, 'viewPageNotFounded'])->name('404');
Route::get('no-permission', [Index::class, 'viewNoPermission'])->name('no-permission');
-Route::get('backup', [\App\Http\Controllers\DataBase::class, '__construct']);
+Route::get('backup', [DataBase::class, '__construct']);
Route::prefix('function')->group(function () {
Route::get('link', [UserLink::class, 'viewLink'])->name('function.link');
@@ -36,9 +39,7 @@
Route::get('edit-search', [UserLink::class, 'viewSearchFriends'])->name('function.edit-search');
Route::get('edit-search/{friendId}', [UserLink::class, 'viewSearchFriend'])->name('function.edit-searchOnly');
Route::get('edit-friend/{friendId}', [UserLink::class, 'viewEditFriend'])->name('function.edit-friend');
- Route::get('sponsor', function () {
- return view('function.sponsor');
- })->name('function.sponsor');
+ Route::get('sponsor', [Sponsor::class, 'viewSponsor'])->name('function.sponsor');
Route::get('music', function () {
return view('function.music');
@@ -64,6 +65,11 @@
Route::get('sort', [ConsoleLink::class, 'viewSort'])->name('console.friends-link.sort');
Route::get('color', [ConsoleLink::class, 'viewColor'])->name('console.friends-link.color');
+ Route::prefix('sponsor')->group(function () {
+ Route::get('dashboard', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'viewSponsorDashboard'])->name('console.sponsor.dashboard');
+ Route::get('edit/{sponsorId}', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'viewEdit'])->name('console.sponsor.edit');
+ Route::get('mode', [ConsoleSponsor::class, 'viewMode'])->name('console.sponsor.mode');
+ });
Route::prefix('auth')->group(function () {
diff --git a/webpack.mix.js b/webpack.mix.js
index 4facf55..cb15298 100644
--- a/webpack.mix.js
+++ b/webpack.mix.js
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ const mix = require('laravel-mix');
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
+ .js('resources/js/datepicker.js', 'public/js')
.postCss('resources/css/app.css', 'public/css', [
- require("tailwindcss")
+ require("tailwindcss"),
.copy('resources/images/*', 'public/images');